Chapter 19

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-Bumblebee's point of view-

Arcee, Smokescreen, Redsnow and I went to one of my bunkers that I hid out in. I transformed and typed in the code only I could know. Optimus, the one thing that people had forgotten who saved them and brought Cybertron from the dark and into the light. It pained me to see that hardly anyone knew the sacrifice's that my sire made for this to happen, for the war to be won by the Autobots.

I shook my helm and walked in, Smokescreen placed Redsnow down on a Berth and leaned against the wall. Arcee looked over her and said she was stable for a few days until she would offline due to the loss of energon and an open cut especially on her neck.

I typed away quickly like Ratchet would. I taught myself to memorize each of the keys in case of an emergency if I was ever injured. Arcee walked over to me and put a servo on my shoulder. I turned my helm to the side and looked at her sadly.

"Bee it's not your fault. Megatron....
He's evil and he won't stop until you and Optimus are dead. That means he's afraid of you." I looked at her and then to the ground.

"We need to get Ratchet, he can try to...fix her voice box...." My frame shook slightly as I fought the tears that were threatening to burst from my optics.

I turned from Arcee and continued to type on the keys. I heard Arcee walk away and I groaned. I placed arms on the table and had my servos covering my optics. I closed them for a second and a memory started to play in my processor.

3rd person point of view

Optimus knelt down next to the berth that Bumblebee was on. He held onto his son's servo tightly, hoping that the scout could feel and hear him. The door  opened making Optimus jump slightly but he looked over and saw a familiar blue and pink femme.

Optimus looked back at Bumblebee and sighed heavily, holding Bumblebee's servo tighter. Arcee closed the door and entered, walking in the room and standing near her leader.

"He's going to be okay Optimus, he'll live, he's a strong bot." Arcee said looking down at the Prime.

"I know he is. I'm just worried for him. He's been by my side for a long time and it doesn't feel the same when he isn't there." Optimus said turning to look at Bumblebee's unconscious form.

Arcee nodded and bit her lip, she didn't know how to comfort the Prime. She had never experienced loss before except for her sires's death when she was 15, but she pushes it aside to deal with tasks at hand. She learned that holding onto things doesn't get you anywhere. Then why doesn't Optimus?

Arcee left and turned as she opened the door. She hesitated to say it but soon opened her mouth to speak.

"You, you should gets some rest. Bumblebee would want you to lead us instead of you sulking around. Not in a harsh way. It just a suggestion." Arcee said and with that she left.

-End of Flashback-

-Bumblebee's point of view-

"Bee? Bee? Wake up!" Smokescreen yelled as the mechanic shook me from the flashback.

I shook my helm slightly and asked what he needed. Smokescreen led me to where Redsnow layed and pointed to her vitals that were on the screen. I looked at them and frowned turning form her unconscious form.

"I know. She needs to get medical treatment, but we can't. Not with Megatron out there. But he won't find us, this place is cloaked and since he doesn't have Soundwave we are safe. For now." I say as I walked into another room.

Smokescreen followed me asking many questions I didn't have some answers to.

"What do you mean 'for now?' He's gonna find us again?" Smokescreen asked.

"Yes he will. I know Megatron, he does not stop until his twisted goal is complete even if he has to die trying he won't give up." I say as Arcee joined us.

"You know him well?" Arcee asked, I knew she was going to ask this, she's trying to find out more about my family, I don't blame her.

"You can say that." I say leaving it at that as I typed in the coordinates Ratchet gave me.

Arcee frowned and came to my side. Smokescreen had left to get Redsnow leaving only us near the space bridge. I continued to type until I felt a servo on my shoulder plate. I turned and looked at Arcee's worried expression. I soon looked away.

"You can tell me you know. I'm not going to tell Smokescreen or anyone else. I swear, I love you and I don't want to hurt you even more then you already are." Arcee said, I could hear the sadness in her voice, I knew she cared about me, but it was a hard topic to discuss after what he did to me.

"Megatron was one of my mentors, he taught me to fight like a gladiator. I was going to become one but then the war started. Megatron showed a dark side against my father, against his own brother and sparkling. He nearly killed me 6 times already when I was  just 17. It broke my spark to know a mentor like that turned his back on his family and swear revenge to destroy them until they are no more." I said not looking up at Arcee, I continued to type not wanting to give anymore about my past.

Arcee sighed and heard Smokescreen walk in with Redsnow in his arms. I turned on the Space Bridge and tile them to get threw. Arcee asked where I was going and I told her to get something.

They went threw and I ran to my berth room. I grabbed the photo of me, my carrier and sire. I held it close and placed it in my subspace. I turned to leave when I noticed another photo. I looked at it and felt my spark twist. It was a photo of Megatron, me, Optimus, Ratchet, and Soundwave before the war. I grabbed it and placed it in my subspace as well, leaving my berthroom.

I ran in the portal and as I did shot the controls before I left. I transformed and drove as fast as my alt mode could. I transformed and jumped out and hit grass. Arcee turned to see me on the ground slowly getting up, the Space Bridge destroyed.

Arcee helped me up and smiled at the scenery around us. I looked out to where we were and chuckled and it soon turned to a laugh. We were free. We were home.

Sorry for the wait! It is a little long but you guys love long parts I'm hoping. Bye! Next week a new update maybe during the weekend Bye!!! Love you my little Primes. I'm calling you all Primes now so go follow Optimus and save the world! What are you waiting for go!!!

*Shoes you off and over to Optimus*

Me-Go have fun and don't get hurt!

*Closes Bridge and smiles*

Me- :3 Peace at last......

*Something crashes in background*

Me- Bulkhead!!!!!!

The Lost Scout (TFP Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें