Chapter 12

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-Arcee's point of view-

"Optimus?" We both said in unicent.

"He was here? But he's dead, we saw him give his spark to save Cybertron, or is he...Is Optimus a ghost now?!" Smokescreen yelled as he pointed at the hologram of Optimus.

I rolled my optics and gripped his shoulder plates and shook him.

"Shut the frag up!" I yelled as I shook him, but he still screamed.

I grumbled and slapped his cheek plate. He yelled in pain and rubbed his cheek plate and glared at me. I rolled my optics and turned from him.

"What was that for!?" He said defensively, holding one of his arms up to show he was upset.

"You were being a sparkling, so I did what everyone does when sparklings are being over dramatic. You slapped them on the aft or check. That's what my sire did." I said, I hopped he didn't ask what happened to my mother, it was a tough subject to talk about.

"What about your carrier?" Smokescreen asked quietly for only for me to hear.

I froze and looked to the ground. Smokescreen sighed and looked to the ground, his helm down in shame. I closed my optics and a small tear escaped from the corner of my eye.

"Killed by Decepticons." I simply said as I opened my optics to look at the control panel that was in front of me.

Smokescreen nodded and looked at the hologram, coming to my side. I glanced at him from the corner of my optic. He had a guilt like expression painted on his face plate. I pushed a button and the hologram started, I raised my helm to look at the hologram play.

"This is Optimus Prime, message one. It is near to the end of the war, but there is not a lot to save or see. Me and my Autobots have been hiding all around Cybertron. Megatron has been killing off many of my friends, especially my spark mate. My son has been missing for some time, most likely have been captured by the Decepticons. I truly hope to Primus that he has mercy on my son. I will get back to you, good-bye." Optimus said as he ended the hologram.

"Optimus has a son?" Smokescreen asked in question.

"I guess so." I say as I started the second one, but this one had a pained picture of Optimus, likely his son had been killed by the cons.

"This is Optimus Prime, message two. My son has been recovered from the cons. He has been under Ratchet's care for about 5 hours now, My son will recover, but he will have no......"Optimus didn't continue, but he did have some tears in his optics, we whipped them away and continued.

"He won't be able to...speak. Megatron had him and ripped his voice box out in Tyger Pax. I-i don't know how to feel about this. But I will tell you his condition the next message. I need to see him, to make sure he is awake and okay." This time Optimus didn't say good-bye, I could tell he was in pain.

I was in shock as well as Smokescreen. Smokescreen paced and paced. I watched him silently waiting for him to stop.

"I'm so confused! Bumblebee's the sparkling of Optimus Prime!" Smokescreen said in shock.

"I never knew..." I say, hanging my helm in shame

Now I understand why Bumblebee ran away, why he hid for so many years. Optimus was his father, he must have been devastated when Optimus left to save Cybertron.

"Play the next one." Smokescreen said as he looked at me with anxious eyes, I had to admit I was scared on what the next message would be.

I tapped a button and the hologram started, I was surprised to see the Optimus that had an upgrade from the Forge of Soulus Prime.

"This is Optimus Prime, I apologise for not getting back to you sooner, the war was lost and there was nothing left for us to save. Bumblebee and my Autobots have been repairing Cybertron. During the last battle a cycle ago, Megatron was killed by my son and he is no longer a scout, but a warrior. His voice has been repaired by the Cybermatter. I'm very proud of my son and my team who I consider as family. But I sadly have to leave, for a long time. I will return, but it will take many cycles for me to come back. Good-bye and I hope you will see me there with my son." The hologram ended.

I looked down to the ground trying to wrap my head around Optimus's riddle, it was confusing, but I knew there had to be more messages to at least make sense of it. Smokescreen was thinking and he was pacing, his peds echoed as he did so. I turned to him and grumble as his peds made it harder for me to think.

Smokescreen then saw me staring at me and apologized, but something caught his eye I'm guessing. He looked over my shoulder and saw a file hidden behind some others.

"What's that?" Smokescreen asked.

I turned as he pointed to the file hidden behind some other files. I raised an optic ridge.

"Weird, I never saw this file here.." I say as I drag it out of  it's hidding spot.

I read the folder name and look at Smokescreen. He looked at me as if he wanted me to hurry up and click it.

"What are you waiting for? Open it!" Smokescreen said as he reached to touch the button.

"No, read the file name, it's for Bumblebee only." I say sternly.

Smokescreen read it and looked at something behind me. I turned as well to find nothing there. I saw Smokescreen tap on the file and I whipped around and growled at him.

"You little-" But I was cut off with blaster fire, me and Smokescreen looked at the hologram message and our optics widened in fear.

"This is Optimus Prime, I am badly wounded and am hiding for your own saftey, Bumblebee. Megatron is hunting me and you. I need to protect you, this is my last message. I am truly sorry, o shouldn't have trusted him, please forgive me. Find me on Earth, I will wait for you. Please don't blame yourself for what wasn't your fault. I hope you find this message and I hope that I am not killed by Megatron before you see this. I love you Bumblebee, until we see each other again." Optimus said as he ended the message.

"We need to find Bumblebee.."

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