Chapter 20

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-Jack's point of view-

It's been a while since the Autobots left to live on Cybertron. We heard about Optimus and Bumblebee being hunted by Megatron. I thought he had reformed but I guess he was playing pretend.

I was a full on US soldier and had my own squadron to hunt down any enemy Decepticons that stayed in the planet.

Raf was with the military hacking team, the best of the best. He was also a scientist to study the Cons once they were killed and medic to Autobots and army soldiers.

Miko made her own special OPS team called the Wreckers, in favor of her Wrecker Autobots. She had custom made her suits and Ratchet helped put weapons and armor together for each of there teams.

Raf hardly went out in the field only when Miko and I were with him hacking into the cons, to at least have them as back up if anything went wrong.

Ever since Starscream came back, he's has been hitting us hard. But now it's harder to know where he is since Ratchet is no where to be found. Apparently he has been hiding out so we could be safer and that quiet accurate for me, he just wants us safe.

I walked around the base watching everyone clean armor, weapons, eat, and chat, some even training in separate rooms. Miko, Raf and my mom say I'm now like Optimus which is accurate too. I am becoming like Optimus more and more by day.

I hardly talk to anyone and when I do I'm very polite. My posture is different now, it is always straight, never slouching. My face expression always blank, not giving anything away of what I'm feeling. I always listen and think of all the possibilities before making a decision on it. Miko noticed that I like examining my team  and making sure they are alright.

And I also seem to think more than usual now and hardly sleep. I've been trying my hardest to find Starscream and without Ratchet, it harder to pin point his next move and location.

Then a ping was heard on a computer and I turned my head to look at the sound, it didn't make me jump, I was used to the sound as always. Raf and Miko came up by my side as I strode over to where the noise was.

"What's the problem?" I ask as I stood behind the man with the computer on a desk.

"There's been a ground bridge opening near the forest not far from here. It may be Decepticon origin, sir." The man did looking at me as I was lost in thought on what to do.

I assessd the situation at hand and thought of what I could do. I cod just bring my team but then we could loose a possible reformed Decepticon on our side.

"Raf and parts of me and Miko's squadron will check it out. If it is Decepticon origin we may be able to find Starscream if it stays open for a long enough time. I want Raf's team to try and pin point the bridges exact location. Let's roll out." I say as Miko and Raf went to my side as I walked to the armory where our squadrons were.

"Listen up Wreckers we have an unknown bridge out near our base. Could be Decepticon origin so I want everyone on high alert." Miko said as she suited up in her green and black armor, fastening her blasters on her belt.

I turned to my team and told them to be on high alert and that anything could happen and to be safe. They all replied with a "yes sir," making me nod as they all went out put on their armor.

I put on my red and blue armor on with blasters on my belt and my swords fastened to my back. I had extra blades on the sides of my gloves and some extra guns fastened to the blades for extra defense. I put on my helmet and it resembled Optimus's helm.

Raf put on his yellow glasses and tapped on small screen on the side of his yellow and black armor. Words filled his glasses as he scanned the different Cybertronian symbols and said that he pin pointed the bridges locations to our screen on the watches we wore.

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