Chapter 11

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-Arcee's point of view-

Smokescreen and I drove and drove, we were following the trail Bumblebee had left, I was dearly hoping he hadn't left the statues of the Prime's, since he hadn't done any activity for about 6 cycles. This was something I was hoping to unravel and find the missing Scout.

"Do you think he's there?" Smokescreen asked quietly as we continued the drive.

"I'm hoping to Primus he is." I say picking up speed, Smokescreen speeding up as well.

It took about 20 minutes to get there and when we did there was no bot around. We looked around and found nothing,but tire tracks leading out. I examined them and they were heading to the sea of rust, the only place that was not repaired because the damage was to great.

"Let's go." Smokescreen said as he slowly followed the tracks.

I stayed and waited for him, I knew the tracks would only be for a certain length before there was nothing to follow. He did come back 4 minutes later, I rolled my eyes playfully at him and continued the search. There was something that we were missing, I knew it in my spark something was here.

"What are we doing? There is nothing here!" Smokescreen said angrily.

"I know there is, I feel that we're missing something important." I say bending down to look at Optimus's statue.


I stood and kept my helm down, I heard Smokescreen sigh.

"Don't you think that I think everyday of the last cycles that I've been here searching for him...trying to find him when my friends, my family turned there back on me to tell me to let it go, that he was never coming back.." I say turning to Smokescreen, I was in tears at this point and I didn't care if Smokescreen saw, I was in pain, pain knowing that Bumblebee was still alive and not being able to find him.

Smokescreen looked to the ground in shame, I knew he felt guilt, it was written on his faceplate. I continued, I needed to get this off my chest, out into the only other Cybertronian I trusted besides Ratchet and Bumblebee.

"I think about him when I sleep, while I train. I think of him when I could have told him my feelings instead of hide them for so long. I think of what I could have done to prevent him from leaving. I love him Smokescreen! I can't bare to loose another partner especially him, he has been there when I'm weak, sad, hurt, angry. He understands my pain that I go through everyday. I need him! I can't live with myself knowing that he's out there hiding in fear and sadness!" I screamed.

I couldn't take it anymore, it was like Primus was punishing me for a crime I do not know of. I pulled out my blaster and held it to the side of my helm. Smokescreen gasped in horror and tried to calm me down. I was done with everything in life I wanted it to end already!

"Arcee, look I know you are in pain but this is not what Bumblebee would want if he knew you were gone he would do something he would truly regret doing, just put the blaster away, please." Smokescreen replied as he slowly moved toward me, he grabbed the blaster placed it away from my helm.

I let him do this and transformed my blaster back into my servo. I fell to my knees and sobbed, my vision blurry from the tears that were in my optics. Smokescreen knelt down beside me and rubbed my shaking back. I looked up at him and tried to push him away, but instead he brought me in a tight hug. I stopped my pointless struggling and dug my face in his shoulder plates.

"I'm sorry Arcee, I didn't know." Smokescreen said sadly, hoping I would accept his apology.

I lifted my helm and looked at his turquoise optics, they looked liked Optimus's color. I smiled sadly and he whipped away my tears with his servos, smiling sadly as well.

I stood and left his arms, automatically he stood. I leaned against the statue of Optimus and scanned the area for anything useful. Then there was the sound of gears turning, I drew my blaster and pointed it at the place I was. Smokescreen came to my side and drew his blasters as well. The slab of metal started to shift into a door. The torches all on the walls lit up with blue flames.

Smokescreen and I looked at each other in confusion, he shrugged his shoulders indicating he was clueless. I made my way down the hallway slowly, keeping my blasters at ready. Smokescreen walked in after me and made sure we weren't followed. We continued our way down the hallway and found ourselves in a lit room.

A whole bunch of control systems and a ground bridge near by. Smokescreen looked around in awe as he saw all the controls.

"How long has this been here?" Smokescreen asked as he touched the wall with his servo.

"Looks a little old, maybe 2 cycles since anyone has been down here." I say looking at the control panel.

I noticed a small device inside, it looked like a Cybertronian Flash Drive. I tapped on the keys and say 3 messages, I clicked them and they started.

My optics widened as I saw Optimus Prime on the hologram. Smokescreen looked over at me and slowly walked to my side, his optics widened as well as he stared at Optimus's hologram message.


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