97. Bai Xue's Irritation

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Wang Ling was made to follow the new students without any complaints. Mo Nuan told him that he could not leave the academy for a day as the plaques had yet to transform into identity plaques.

Although Wang Ling was saddened, he did not argue and followed Mo Nuan into the outer circle of the academy.

As their group walked around, they passed through different places and different sites. But they didn't stop to look at them. Mo Nuan mentioned something about those places that can be visited by themselves so she did not want to waste her time by being their guide.

She only ever accepted this guide job as a thing to earn a few points anyway and she was already feeling irritated that she had to give half of what she would earn to those bastards who won the bet.

The students reached an area where houses were built on a mountain. Starting for the foot of the mountain, the houses only got bigger. The house on the peak was no longer a house and was already a mansion bordering a castle.

"This would be your lodgings for the day until tomorrow at noon. Every house is the same, except for the houses of the top 10 examinees which were arranged with qi convergence arrays. The top 10 to 4 houses multiply the denseness of the spirit qi in the surrounding area by a fold."

"As for the houses of the top 3 to 1, those houses are arranged with convergence arrays that increase the denseness of spirit qi by two folds. Other than those 10, the rest are ordinary. Any of the people here want to share houses with others can do so but only three people per house, this that same goes for the top rankers. This mountain is for the third examination area, the mountain that is located a bit further away here are those of the second and first examination area passers."

"Any of you can do as you please other than kill, that's everything. Well then, farewell!"

Mo Nuan disappeared and flew away as quickly as she could. Some bastards would be causing a great ruckus if she didn't come and pay them so she had to leave quickly.

The other new students watched her fly away but Wang Ling had no intention of staying there idling by. He walked up the mountain path in an attempt to enter the house that was located at the very top of the mountain.

Bai Xue was with her and she didn't have any problem having Wang Ling live with her. It wasn't much of a hassle or any trouble.

Wang Ling walked up quietly without any intention of causing trouble but the trouble was looking for him instead. Wang Ling had yet to even take his fifth step when a fist came from behind him.

Feeling the dangerous intent oncoming, Wang Ling promptly made his move. He turned around to block the fist but the fist was too fast to be blocked. The fist flew pass his arms that was forming a cross to block the attack.

Wang Ling saw a fist coming for him and felt a ravenous spirit qi enveloping that fist. The fist was about to land on his face, but he wasn't going to let it easily let himself get hit.

Moving as fast as he could. He made use of his supreme spirit qi to envelope his forehead as much as possible and banged his forehead against the oncoming fist.


Wang Ling took three steps backward as his forehead hit the fist. He couldn't evade it but it didn't mean he was at any big disadvantage.

The man who punched him held his fist as two of his fingers were dislocated as he too took a step backward. Wang Ling looked at that student in anger.

His killing intent was seeping out of his body as he felt his head throb. He was only a level-2 nascent soul stage cultivator. He was able to hit back, but Wang Ling's strength wasn't so overwhelming that he would be unfazed by such a surprise attack.

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