54. A Bloodbath is Needed I

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When the roars and cries of the Dragon Phoenix was heard. It was not only Wang Ling and the other humans who was affected but also the Midnight Eagles that was acting as their mounts.

After hearing the cries of the king of all birds. The Midnight Eagles trembled and found no strength to fly. Wang Ling and the others tried to persuade the Midnight Eagles to fly, but in the end, they could only move on foot after failing.

"We need to proceed on foot, having a mount that can't move it only a baggage that is going to become meat. Everybody, tread carefully and follow closely behind me and Sister Lu Lin."

Fang Guan's voice was serious. The roars and cries made him feel stifled because his soul was shook. He might have been caught unprepared but his strength was nothing to laugh at after all.

Cautiousness mixed with excitement made Fang Guan who had a stiff looking face of a general shiver as his blood boiled. It had been a long time since he felt the aura of a peerless existence.

The first time he felt this was when he first saw the people of the central region. Especially those geniuses who can shake the heavens and the earth if they wanted to.

Fang Guan moved and entered the White Dragon Valley and headed to the place where the ball of light can be seen, the depths of the White Dragon Valley.

Wang Ling moved with his group and kept his silence. At the moment, his presence was barely discernible as he was too silent and too unnoticeable. While they were moving, Wang Ling's mind kept on wandering as his bloodline was churning.

Right now, they had yet to enter the White Dragon Valley but Wang Ling's urged to fight was already beginning to erupt. Trying to pacify his murderous intents, Wang Ling became even quieter and recluse as his became even rare to come out of his mouth.

Night soon fell but they had yet to even reach the outskirts of White Dragon Valley's depths. The White Dragon Valley was too large and has a territory that is encompasses tens of thousands of kilometres.

"Let's stop for now, night is coming and savage beasts are going to be more active."

Setting up camp and lighting up a campfire. Wang Ling and the others began to rest. They had traveled far and before they can rest, they were made to make a move as there were others who had the same goals as them.

Fang Guan took out meat he had bought from the market of the White Dragon City. Lu Lin began roasting the meat with her Sunset Flames and the four of them began to eat as soon as it was done.

Wang Ling was quietly eating by the side minding his own business when he heard Fang Guan's voice asking him, "Brother Wang, what did you think of Fang Yan's physical strength when you fought? Was he strong?"

Wang Ling raised his head and gave a look of confusion, he had no idea who Fang Guan was talking about so he had to asked, "I do not know any Fang Yan."

Hearing the honest reply of Wang Ling, Fang Guan did not know how to react but in the end showed a smile of interest as he explained who Fang Yan was, "He's the first person you beat up after your fight with Tian De. He's a cousin of mine and he cultivates the same body refinement technique as me, I just wish to know what you opinion is on the body refinement technique of my family."

Having seen the light of the truth, Wang Ling showed a look of enlightenment and questioned, "Do you wish to know the truth or the one that pats your clan on the back?"

Lu Lin and Zi Liang who was having a conversation of their own felt stifled after hearing Wang Ling's question. Fearing that Fang Guan was offended, Lu Lin was about to step in when she heard Fang Guan's serious answer.

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