78. Stealing I

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Wang Ling began harvesting its blood essence, beast core, and even started butchering it so he can eat some meat before moving along.

"That was quite smart of you. Others would have fought them to the death you know." Bai Xue remarked as Wang Ling started butchering the body of the Devil Horn Buffalo.

Raising his head to look at Bai Xu, he said, "Those kind of people don't use their brains. If one can win in a fight with pure determination and will alone, then idiots would be the strongest type of people. Well, there are indeed strong idiots but using your head is much more important."

Chortling, Bai Xue responded, "Shi shi, what you said is correct. But I have seen a lot of idiots in the past who thought fighting a spirit beast that had ignited its bloodline was a good idea rather than running and waiting for it to weaken. Some moments I understand that they can't run away as the spirit beast is too fast and can last long in a bloodline ignition state but some are just plain stupid."

Wang Ling did not respond to her and ask her to roast the meat of the buffalo instead. Bai Xue rolled her eyes but still used her phoenix flames to light up a fire and roasted the meat.

She didn't even transformed into her Phoenix form and her white body already erupted with black flames. Wang Ling was surprise and astonished to see this that his mouth became agape.

"I've been getting the hang of using my flames. Hehe, soon I'll be able to use it on fights." She released her flames and started roasting the meat. Bai Xue patiently waited for the meat to cook and only took it out when it was cooked to perfection.

Wang Ling sliced the meat in two and took one part of it for himself and gave the other half to Bai Xue. Bai Xue's white fox form was small but that doesn't mean she couldn't alter its size.

Seeing the meat was larger than her. Bai Xue altered her size and became as big as Wang Ling who was sitting beside her. The two of them ate and Bai Xue finished first. She finished eating and urge Wang Ling to quickly finish his meat.

Wang Ling did what she said and finished everything as fast as possible. Feeling full and energized, Wang Ling meditated and began filling up his qi pillars which took three hours. His recovery rate has improved quite significantly as time goes on.

"Are you ready to go?" Bai Xue asked him.

Wang Ling nodded and Bai Xue turned into her Phoenix form and Wang Ling climbed up to her. Bai Xue let out a screech as she flew into the air full of vitality and energy. With a flap of her wings, they had traveled a long way already.

Although the Ancient Creed Mountain was just a single mountain. It was high and large, encompassing a huge area. Wang Ling and Bai Xue had to fly around the area a couple of times searching for their next target.

Bai Xue grumbled as their first target was easily seen on their first attempt. Bai Xue was irritated and was moving as fast as she could in order to find their target.

"Where the..." Bai Xue was just about to start cursing when an explosion occurred east of them.

"What was that!?"

A burst of devilish qi erupted and a beautiful black butterfly flew into the air and started making clicking sounds before that sound evolving into a full screech. The butterfly was beautiful but was emitting deadly vibes that made other's skin crawl.

It was a level-3 nascent soul beast, and Wang Ling felt danger meeting such a beast. This was the Evil Death Butterfly, his second target. It was a dangerous spirit beast that is very poisonous.

Wang Ling was surprise to see an angered Evil Death Butterfly, he was confused as to what kind of beast could've cause such a beast to become angry. Wang Ling looked around but saw nothing. However, that didn't mean he didn't feel anything.

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