158. Domination VI

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Three figures were quickly moving inside the Thundergod Academy. It was an old man and two beautiful ladies.

"So you're saying my Ling'er is running through the rankings of your academy one after another since the third hour of midnight?" Xiao Fei'er showed a disbelieving look as she questioned the sanity of the old man, "Are you sure old age is going through you, Old Lu?"

Lu Tao waved his hands in irritation as he argued, "Ugh, shut it. No matter how old I am, I am not going to go senile. I was still the previous Principal of this place, so you should treat me with respect when we are here. Why don't you call me... um, Old Thunderlord?"

"Don't waste your time Old Lu and just tell me what is currently happening. What do you mean he's decimating through your rankings? Did he enter the 80th rank or something?"

Lu Tao shook his head as he exclaimed with great passion, "That son of yours is already at the 67th place when it was noon. As of now, I think he is already nearing 50th place. And because he is getting tons of points as he goes up the rankings, he's racking up points and I fear that once he's over this whole thing, he will buy all the items in my Thunder Treasury. Your Family is going to bankrupt my academy."

Xiao Fei'er showed an innocent look on her face as she asked without a hint of a condescending tone, "Is your academy starting to accept useless fodders now? Thirty years ago, you said you were only accepting geniuses, have you change your mind already?"

Lu Tao knew that Xiao Fei'er was not making fun of his Thundergod Academy as the concern she showed was genuine. But that genuine concern of hers was much more painful than any hurtful words.

"The quality has not decreased, for what it is worth, the budding youths of the academy had grown in terms of quality. We have at least three monstrous geniuses appearing. Those three are the top rankers of this academy."

"Then why is my son still beating your so-called geniuses to a pulp then?"

"That's what I want to know. What the hell are you teaching your kids to make them this strong? Enough of this, we are nearing the Thunder Dome, you can see for yourself what kind of monstrous strength your son is showing."

The Thunder Dome was one of the biggest places in the whole academy. It could hold over 300,000 people at the same time without a problem.

Yet at this moment, the Thunder Dome was being overflown by students who wanted to witness the fights happening inside.

Xiao Fei'er and Wang Yue followed Lu Tao through a secret path that led to a room for people with the highest authority. They entered a room where they can oversee the entire Thunder Dome and this included the circular stage.

In the middle of the stage were two people, a beastman with the characteristics of a bear and a human who was standing confidently.

"The one standing on the right would be the top 51st ranker of the academy, Gou Xiong. Opposite of him would be the one who is quickly making his way towards the top of the Roaring Thunder Board, Wang Ling."

Xiao Fei'er focused on her eyes. She observed Wang Ling's expressions and face, his stature and qi, his temperament, and most importantly his eyes that were shining with life.

It was such a sight for her to see. But something in his eyes that caught her attention. A hint of unknown sadness and worry was hidden underneath those unique pupils of his.

That sadness was hidden deep within his heart that even with her deep understanding, she could see through the mysterious eyes of her son.

Her emotions became wild and uncontrollable, Xiao Fei'er could not understand what it was.

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