90. Crafty Little White Fox

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[Third Examination Area]

There were 3 examination locations in the Thundergod Academy. These 3 places represented the 3 continents of the realm, but that doesn't mean that only people of the 'continents] could enter the academy as even the youngsters of the central regions were all keen into entering the academy.

There were numerous kinds of people present in every examination. Especially so for the Thundergod Academy that doesn't discriminate with its students. Whether you be a spirit beasts who achieved your human form, a devil cultivator, a human, an elf, or anyone else who seeks strength.

All can enter the Thundergod Academy as long as you qualify. However, the competition in this place was the most intense in comparison to the other six. This academy's competition was so intense that it had been reflecting on their examinations for the past millennia.

The no barred examination of the Thundergod Academy was an infamous event in the central region, It was like that because many geniuses that met their death in that place were high in numbers.

The examination area of the Thundergod Academy could be considered as a forbidden grounds if you only look at its death count for the past millennia since its inauguration. But it was also seen as a holy land by those who seek to temper themselves.

That place was a place where no law existed other than to pass and survive the one week. If you die, then that only means you weren't up to par with the challenge. But if you win? Then you will experience a change that can give you an edge against all of your peers.

The most dominant people of the third examination area were examinees who had reached the nascent soul stage. Although there were energy palace stage examinees, some of the better ones could hold their grounds against nascent soul stage examinees.

Those of the energy palace stage may seem like sitting ducks but those energy palace stage cultivators who're on the crafty side were already amassing great numbers of thunderous spirit.

Everyone in the third examination area was running around trying to destroy the plaque of other students just so they can earn an extra thunderous spirit.

It was currently noon of the third day. The sun was hatefully glaring at everyone in the examination grounds.

One particular examinee was wandering around the third examination grounds looking for a beast or a spirit beast she can kill to earn some thunderous spirit. She was only 14 thunderous spirits away from elevating her plaque into bronze plaque.

She was moving with great speed. However, her movements halted when a white fox cutely walking along was caught on the corner of her eyes. She stopped to look at the fox and her heart was almost instantaneously captured by the white fox's charms.

The lady looked around to see if anyone else was in the area before deciding to take that white fox with her. Anything can be taken from the examination grounds if they can do so.

The lady runs towards the white fox. But it seemed the white fox was startled by her sudden appearance run away. The lady smiled and activated her movement techniques to catch up to the white fox.


Her explosive movement rendered the air and she reached the back of the white fox in the blink of an eye. The lady reached her hand out to catch the white fox. But as soon as she did, an explosive boom was heard and cloud-like mist erupted out of the white fox.

The white fox disappeared and the lady became confused, "Where is it?"

The lady questioned herself. She wasn't expected any answer for she was alone, but someone answered her in a cutesy voice.

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