64. Heavenly Blood Pact I

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A Heaven Blood Pact, is the highest form of contract that binds two parties. Using your bloods as the ink and the heavens as your witness. The Heavenly Blood Pact cannot be violated.

The consequence of violating the Heavenly Blood Pact is decided by the two parties that will be forming the pact. But because the pact is an absolute agreement that is only used for the most prestigious contracts, most agreements usually have death as punishment.

Some even dares to promise their descendants for a single Heavenly Blood Pact. The heaviness of the Heavenly Blood Pact is only used by those who have resolved themselves.

Those who broke the agreement died without exception. Wang Ling wanted to show his sincerity though this act of forming a pact with the Black Tiger. The Black Tiger clearly distrusted humans, but if he can somehow soften its heart with this, Wang Ling was willing to do something to this extent.

The Black Tiger observed Wang Ling's serious eyes and found no lie. It clearly knew what the Heavenly Blood Pact was. This devilish human looked honest and did not seem to be lying. The Black Tiger somewhat began to lower its guard against his presence.

But with its form as the Black Tiger still present. He knew that the Black Tiger was not trusting him just yet.

"This Heavenly Blood Pact we will build is simple. I help you and you help me in return. I need information and your strength in the future and in return I will help you in any way other than sacrificing my life directly like you ordering me to enter your belly then it is fine." said Wang Ling.

The Black Tiger was silent, it was contemplating his proposal. It took a while but the Black Tiger finally raised his head and said with a grin.

"I agree with the usage of Heavenly Blood Pact and your idea of helping one another. But I want something else, no, I want something else in return for my services."

Baffled, Wang Ling asked, "What is it that you want?"

"I also want information, but no ordinary information. What I want is information regarding of who you are and what you truly are. You don't need to tell me what techniques you are cultivating on, just tell me your identity. Also, I want to know your real goals. Why are you trying to coax me to join you?"

This statement of the Black Tiger made Wang Ling furrow his brows. He didn't think that the Black Tiger will ask him about his real identity. He had been trying to not let anyone know who he was as he didn't want to face any form of implication it might bring.

"Why do you want to know who I am? You do not have anything to gain anything from learning who I am."

"But I can earn a lot from it. You are an enigma. You have an abnormal amount of strength and the denseness of your murderous intent is nothing to scoff at. Your movements are sharp and too fast for someone at your cultivation and age."

"Anyone with half a brain can see that you're not normal. But that can be answered as to who you are, let me guess... you took over that body didn't you? For a devil cultivator to take over the body of some young child is not something that cannot be understood."

There were numerous devilish methods from Hell Realm that go against the laws of the world. Body transfer is something that has been around since time forgotten and no one has actually succeeded in creating such a technique but it wasn't exactly impossible.

For Wang Ling to have such level of martial prowess and mastery of the sword, he should be someone that has finally created the method of body transfer.

The Black Tiger was not stupid. In fact, it was quite intelligent. It had said set up the earlier trap for all beings in the White Dragon Valley to supplement its revival so this Black Tiger was as cunning as a fox... it was actually a fox to begin with.

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