Heart-shaped Kisses

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Scene 1: Addington High Back Hallway

Heather Blakely

I laugh while we race past the classroom doors and offices, avoiding being seen by anyone as I pull him through the halls.

We stop when we're far enough, and I turn to him...backing him into a wall and catching his lips with mine before he could even get a breath in.

He smiles and places his hand against my face.

I've become so used to kissing you,

And yet, going without it still feels like going without sleep.

We're never tired for more than two days now.

"It's the middle of first period," Leo says breathily, "we're in school," he continues with his lips pressing to mine in between words, "we're going to get caught."

"Then maybe you shouldn't have gotten me out of class."

"I know, but I wanted to say hi."

"Hi," my lips hover over his.

"Hi," he connects them again.

I can feel the warmth of his fingertips through my stockings as he raises my skirt a few inches. His other hand trails up my blouse, testing what he could do in this dim hallway.

You are such a tease.

I pull back a little and he chases my lips before placing his against my skin. I smile and laugh lightly while he peppers kisses everywhere my shirt left exposed.

"Are you free tonight?" I ask hopefully.

"For you? Always."

"Good, because I was thinking..."

"Mhm?" He mumbles as his mouth reaches my neck.

I breathe out heavily and tilt my head to the side as his teeth graze lightly over me, his lips kissing over the marks he leaves.

"Oh!" A sudden voice appears, and I jerk away from Leo in fear.

"Lisa..." I say in surprise and put my hand over where he's obviously given me a bruise.

"I'm— I'm so sorry, I didn't know anyone was back here."

"Wow, you must walk really softly," I try to laugh off the awkwardness and embarrassment. "Um...Leo this is Lisa Lindley."

He looks less than amused. I don't know if it's because she interrupted us, or if it's because they've never met and she looks just like another version of Audrey to him.

"Hey," he nods to her.

"It's nice to meet you," she smiles and reaches out to shake his hand, "I've heard so many good things."

"Yeah..." he skeptically shakes her hand and looks over at me.

"We were just talking about how we need to get back to class, so-"

"Well, I'm actually glad I ran into you, Heather. I still need to take your picture for the yearbook page."

"Oh, right..." I kept postponing that because of how badly the interview went. I don't want to be posing under the headline: Heather the adulterous bully.

Leo steps out of the way and walks to the other side.

"You can be in it too," Lisa nods for him to go back.

"Oh, no, that's okay-"

"No, you should," I say happily, but he shakes his head. "Come here," I motion him over, and he gives me a hesitant look. "Please, baby?" I pout, and
he tries not to smile as he caves.

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