I Have Loved You for the Last Time

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Scene 1: Addington High Library

Leo Rylin

"What are we in here for?" Danny nags.

"I'm looking for something," I say as I move through the aisles, scanning over the shelves.

"Something?" He questions as he leans up against one of the bookcases.

"Mhm," I nod and keep searching.


I look over to see who he's referring to.

"...no," I turn away quickly when I spot Heather sitting alone at a table, writing in her notebook.

"Still not talking, huh?" I hear the amusement in his voice.

"I haven't even seen her in a week."

"She's here now..." Danny says suggestively.

"Yeah but-" I glance over at her again, "it doesn't matter. I'm not going to push her."

"...what happened anyway?" He finally asks.

Danny's been great about letting me keep this to myself for the most part.

I hesitate before shrugging, "she asked me to kiss her."

"What?" Danny says loudly as he turns to face me, accidentally causing the books he was leaning on to crash down onto the other side.

It felt like everyone in the library stopped to stare at us.

"Shit...sorry," we dove to the floor to pick up the books, but my eyes shifted up for a moment to see if we caught her attention as well.

We did.

She saw me and gasped a bit before quickly looking away. Her entire body language changed like she wanted to take up less space...like suddenly she was uncomfortable.

"Why didn't you say something before?" He said in surprise.

"Huh?" I say unfocused until I pull my attention away from Heather. "Oh," I breathe out when I realize what he's asking, "it wasn't a big deal really...she was drunk so I didn't do it."

"But you would've if she wasn't?"

I give him a look that says 'do you even have to ask?'

"Let's just get out of here," I pick up a VHS tape of Gone with the Wind.

"...that's what we were here for?"

"I've got a book report, and if this is based on the book, then it's the same," I shrug.

"There's probably one that's less boring," he gazed down at the shelf of tapes.

"Yeah, I just want to get out of here sooner rather than later, okay?" I say rhetorically and head over to the librarian.

Danny nods and trails behind me.

"You know..." he starts again, "I can talk to her for you. If you care that much."

"Just forget it, man...I'll forget about her."

Scene 2: Addington High Courtyard

Audrey Michaels

"Are you kidding me?"

I stop halfway down the stairs at the sound of shouting.

"Oh," I say in annoyance when I see who the voice belongs to, "Ethan."

"What the hell, Audrey?" He angrily comes walking toward me, but I don't falter. "You got me disqualified from my finance internship!"

I sigh, "what are you going on about?" My eyes practically roll to the back of my head....though I know exactly what he's talking about, and yes I did.

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