Seduction of the Aristocrat

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Scene 1: Harlem River

Leo Rylin

"Why are we here rotting our teeth instead of partying?" Matt complained as he poured more skittles into his mouth. We swiped one of those "take one" pails from off of someone's doorstep.

"Because Halloween is on a weekday," Danny replies plainly before throwing a wrapper into the water and taking a cigarette from behind his ear.

"So?" Matt questioned.

"So...people either have school or work tomorrow, Matt. That's why the parties were last weekend," I explain. "Not that you'd remember..."

Matt got completely shitfaced and threw up all over Danny's van before blacking out. I had to become a human blockade to prevent Danny from killing him while he was unconscious.

The first time I got that drunk, I couldn't even think about alcohol for months.

"Fine," he huffed. "But we're out of candy now, I'm going home." Matt stands up, leaving the empty, plastic jack-o-lantern pail behind.

"Really? Oh, I'm sorry, are you too good to hang with us now?" Danny says with sarcasm and Matt turns around to give him the finger. "Fuck you too, man-"

"Hey-" I motion for him to stop talking and he gives me a puzzled expression. "Don't you see where we are?" He shrugs, still not understanding. "Matt lives miles from here. He's not going home...he's going to Sierra's."

Danny's eyes go wide. "...fat Sierra?"

Sierra Ramie had a crush on Matt in the sixth grade. She was always bringing him brownies in hopes of him liking her back. Little did she know, he'd come back to us and make fun of her while we ate the brownies.

I found out about them hooking up sometime last year. We walked into his room and there was a pink double D bra hanging off of his dresser. He tried to hide it and I joked about it being his, but a week later, Sierra walked by wearing the same bra visible through her white t-shirt. Matt still doesn't know that I know...

I chuckle, "she's not fat, she just has more to offer."

"Yeah, a discount at Benny's Pizza Palace."

"Well, I think she looks like Val," I tease.

Danny picks up the jack-o-lantern pail and tosses it at me, hitting me in the stomach. "You wanna walk home too, huh? Keep talking," he threatens but can't help but smile at my remark.

"I'm not walking, but we should start getting's late." And Matt's got the right idea.

I don't have any interest in Sierra Ramie, but I wouldn't mind calling up a girl to take advantage of my mom's night shift.

Scene 2: The Sinclair Residence

Trevor Bailey

"Oh, you are too charming. Where has she been hiding you?" Arleen Sinclair laughs fondly as she places her hand against my arm. "Isn't he just dashing, darling?"

"Undoubtedly, your reputation proceeds you, young Bailey," Dalton Sinclair says mockingly, and I raise my eyebrows at him.

You clearly do not like me as much as your wife does. Typical.

When Arleen calls me "charming," she means that she finds me pleasant, physically and socially attractive. Yet, when Dalton agrees that I am "charming—" he means that he knows he should have hidden his daughter. I've charmed women and girls all over the upper east side into sexual deviancies.

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