If This Is What You Want

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Scene 1: The Plaza Hotel

Trevor Bailey

"You can't imagine how many of these shirts I lose to women," I tug at the end of the Armani button-down Audrey is wearing.

"Actually, I can. I know you, remember?" She says as she starts the coffee maker.

"Obviously, otherwise you wouldn't feel so comfortable wandering around my flat in nothing but a shirt," I smirk.

"Get over yourself, Bailey."

"What? I can't be happy that you're sleeping with me?"

She turns and gives me an unamused expression.

So, naturally...I laugh.

"Now, what if someone heard you say that?" Audrey sighs.

"Oh, they'd definitely think we are having sex," Trevor nods, "but the only other person here is Harry...and he sees you coming out of the guest room every morning."

"Aren't you worried about what Alison might think?" She pours herself a cup of coffee, making it black with two sugars.

"Why should I be worried?"

"Because for some unknown reason, you like her."

"And that, Audrey, is exactly why this is so great," I say slyly, "not only do I have a sexy new roommate...but she cares."

"Go on..."

"If she cares enough to be jealous, then she still wants me."

"She won't if you keep calling me sexy," Audrey says arrogantly.

"Well, that'd be an injustice to you."

She playfully rolls her eyes, "do you know why I called you that day, Trevor?"

"Because I'm a financial genius?"

"That...and because you're the only friend I know who wouldn't pity me."

"Audrey Juliet Michaels...how could anyone ever feel sorry for someone so divine?" She smiles in response before trying to hide her flattered expression behind her cup. "Stay as long as you want...and try not to spill on the shirt."

"I'll go change."

"Can I watch?" I say suggestively.

"Trevor," Audrey shakes her head.

"...Take it off," my eyes scan over her as I stand back.

"Whatever..." she says as if she's considering it.

"Here...let me help," I look directly into her eyes...tracing my fingertip down her neck and over her skin until I reached the first button on the shirt, undoing it easily.

"You'd be a terrible boyfriend."

Scene 2: Addington High

Heather Blakely

"This is what you would've wanted if we were dating, right?" Jace leans up against the lockers next to mine.

"...what?" I say in confusion.

Jace looks around to make sure no one is watching, "here," he takes my hand and places what feels like a stack of cards in it.

When he pulls his hand away, I see that they're not cards at all, but rather a few...flashy shots of Ali.

"Oh, my god," I quickly flip over the photos so that the picture side is down.

"Yeah, I know," Jace raises his eyebrows.

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