Life As We Know It

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Scene 1: World History

Alison Sinclair

I understand the entire concept of history class is so that we don't repeat the past, but what's the purpose of learning about who invented steel or whatever? Now that we have it, who cares?

Also, what's the point of other countries'
history? I don't live in Greece or England so how are their religion and government relevant to me?

Mr. Holstein only makes it worse. The sound of his voice makes me wonder which one of us is more bored.

"Psst, Alison..." I hear my name being called out and turn around to see a boy I hardly know. "This is for you," he holds out a folded paper.

I take it from him, no questions asked, and turn back around before Mr. Holstein notices.

I smile and feel my face heating up before I even open the letter "To Alison, from Ethan" written with hearts after our names. My breathing quickens in anticipation as I try to focus my mind enough to read.

"Hey, Ali, I know this seems immature, but I'm hoping you'll think it's cute enough to maybe go out with me sometime. Check 'yes' or 'no.' Love, Ethan." I giggle at the "Warning, this might break my heart" message by the box marked "no," before checking the one marked "yes." I jot down my number and address at the bottom of the page, along with a restaurant I like before handing the letter back to the boy behind me.

I want to watch Ethan get the letter back and take a mental picture of his reaction but I know that would just weird him out or get me in trouble. Instead, I sit patiently and pretend that the idea of him and I being together is new to me.

Somehow I've managed to master the skill of pretending I don't think about him all the time. It comes in handy when we're close. The only person I've ever told is Audrey...and I was silly to think she wouldn't tell anyone else. "What does it matter? Ethan doesn't know," she said.

Though, I want nothing more than for him to feel what I feel for him.


Scene 2: Addington Courtyard

Leo Rylin

"There you are, Rylin? What took you so long?" Danny sighs when he sees me. I asked him to meet up with me after class, but class ended almost 5 minutes ago.

"Sorry, I had to make a few stops before I got here."

Truthfully, I was trying to convince Ms. Chang to give me extra credit work for physics. Turns out, if I don't pass first semester, they can recommend me for summer school at Chester High, 30 minutes away from here, and almost an hour away from home. I've been there a few times with Danny to pick up Zach, but that's only when we're already close. Chester is where the burnouts who didn't get into Addington went.

"Well, come on, we've been standing here long enough. I don't like the way these centrals keep looking at us." I watch as he glares at them.

We let the centrals have the interior courtyard because they were here first and always made a big fuss when we hung around too. There's plenty of space for all of us. I mean, it has benches, tables, and random decorative trees. It's close to the back halls so everyone makes it to class on time. It's a nice spot and it kinda sucked to give it up but sacrifices needed to be made.

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