Not Good Enough for Love in Cliché

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Scene 1: Addington High

Heather Blakely

"Surprise," a pair of arms wrap around me when I turn the corner, and I almost scream, only relaxing once I recognize the voice.

"Jace!" I shove him away. "I nearly had a heart attack."

He laughed at my reaction, "I'm sorry, don't be mad at me." He reaches out to pull me back when I start walking away from him.

"You need to get your priorities in order if that's the thing you think you should be apologizing for."

"Aw,'re not still worried about that picture, are you? I told you, that was Ethan's, not mine."

"No, it was just hidden in your room for the hell of it, right?"

"So, you don't trust me?" Jace crosses his arms.

"How am I supposed to even begin trusting you when you keep lying to me?"

"All of this over a silly little picture? So your friend's a slut, why is that my fault?"

"It's not just about Alison, Jace. You are incapable of being honest with me!"

"Name one time I wasn't honest with you..." He challenges me.

"You mean other than now?" I raise my eyebrows at him, "How about that sleazy bar girl? Or the fact that you will literally do anything you can to avoid telling me what happened between you and Leo."

"You've gotta be kidding me," he shook his head, "there is no relationship without trust, Heather...."

"I guess there isn't," I back away from him.

"I love you..." he speaks under his breath, almost making it impossible for me to hear him.

"You're only saying that now because I'm leaving."

Scene 2: Madison Street - Zach's Apartment

Leo Rylin

"Aren't you going to join us?" Peyton smiles at me. So fucking pretty.

"I don't know, you two look like you've got this," I nod toward where she's making pizza with Zach.

"Come on, you can spread the sauce," she says slyly.

Are you trying to seduce me?

"Alright..." I smirk and walk over to her.

"Here," Peyton steps behind me, placing her hands on my arms and guiding me as I smooth the tomato paste over the dough. "Just like that..."

"Peyton," I breathe out.

"Yeah?" She says lowly into my ear as her arms wrap around my waist.

"What are you trying to do to me?" I say through light laughter.

"We're just making pizza, boyfriend," she said deviously and let her hands roam down the front of my body, only stopping once she got to my pelvis.

"People talking and touching like that are usually making more than just pizza..."

"Is pizza not enough for you?" She peeks her head around me so that I can see her face. Her conniving expression only confirming the fact that she likes to tease me.

"Anything from you is good enough for me, Peyton,"

"And that's why you're my favorite boyfriend," she smiles as she pulls away from me.

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