The Pleasure of Pain

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Scene 1: Addington High

Alison Sinclair

"I think you should try journaling," Tony suggests.

"Keeping a diary?"

"Sort of, you don't have to call it that if it diminishes the meaning for you. But, when we were freshman I wrote in a journal so that I could clear my head without telling someone my secrets."

"You don't like talking to people?"

"It depends...I can talk about serious things with my parents, but when it's things that seem...only important to me, it's better to talk to myself about a journal."

"Ah, like crushes and petty grudges," I say in amusement.

"Exactly, I wrote about Heather a lot freshman year and how I thought Trevor was a dick."

"He is," my eyes roll. "Do you write about Audrey now?"


"Don't you like her?"

His face quirks in thought, "I'm not sure, but I don't think she ever liked me."

"To be fair, she never likes anyone. She only went after Ethan because I wanted him and that upset her for some reason. She's so possessive."

"Over you?"

"She used to be, yes. I was her closest friend because— Heather had Jace. Though, that never bothered her."

"Probably because you're nicer to her than Heather is."

"And look where that got me?" I scoff. "I don't have best friends anymore. I could move away and it would be a week before they notice."

"I'd notice," Tony says without hesitation, and I scan over him for any sign of insincerity.

There isn't one.

"Thanks, I'd send you a postcard."

"I like the ones with landmarks on them," he described, "not the ones with random beaches, they're too generic."

I start to laugh, and he smiles at me showing that was his intention.

"Have you been feeling better? Or should we both pack up and go?"

He sighs heavily, "I have too much here to leave."


"Family, business. The quote-unquote important stuff."

"But we're in the same friendless boat?"

"Well, I think Ethan's my friend," Tony says mindlessly and then tenses up after remembering who he's speaking to. "Sorry..."

I shrug, "Over it."

He accepts my response and continues talking. "He's the busiest person I know, though. A one-man factory."

"You have to admire the initiative," I say sarcastically.

"I had nothing to do with those pictures, by the way. I didn't even see them, and I would never participate in something that cruel. Just so you know."

"I didn't think you did. You're too nice."

"Yeah, you too. That's why we don't have friends."

Scene 2: Pinkie's Diner

Heather Blakely

"You're here? Without him?" The waitress Penny said with a look of puzzlement.

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