The Way You Know Me

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Scene 1: Addington High Library

Leo Rylin

Her arms come over my shoulders, and I know it's her from the smell of her perfume.

She leans down and kisses my cheek before coming around to where I could see her.

"Hey," I say as I take off my headphones.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I was 5 minutes late to class, and the teacher wouldn't let me in," I shrug.

"No wonder I couldn't find you this morning."

"Aw," I chuckle, "were you looking?"

"Obviously," she playfully rolls her eyes. "But none of your friends had seen you. I thought you weren't coming."

"Were you looking for kisses or did you need me for something?" I ask.

"Well..." Heather smiles, "I was invited to another deb party, and if you don't have any plans this weekend, I was hoping you'd come with me."


"I know you're the last person who'd ever be caught dead at something so prim and boring, but I don't want to go alone. Unlike Alison's, I won't know most of the guests, so it'd be more fun if you were there."

Why, does your date turn back into a pumpkin at midnight?

"I don't think so, butterfly," I shake my head. "You said it yourself, it's not my thing." I wouldn't be invited if you had another choice.

"Leo," she pouts.

I reach over and give her a peck on the lips. "You'll be fine. Everyone likes you...besides, they're your people. You'll find something to bond over at the party."

"Fine," she sighs. "What'll you do instead?"

I shrug, "probably just stay in." Heather nods in response, but I can tell she's a little upset. "But- hey, the day after all that stuff is over we should go out, just the two of us."

"You want to?"

"Yeah, we'll get breakfast or something. Do you like pancakes?"

She laughs lightly, "I prefer French toast, but yes, pancakes are good too."

"I'll pick you up at 9, how's that?"

"It's a date."

"We haven't been on one of those before," I smirk at her.

"Never any official ones, but I'd say that night at the diner came pretty close," she replies.

"You mean when I didn't really know you, and I didn't really like you...but your shit-for-brains ex left you alone and I wouldn't?"

"Exactly," Heather says with a smile.

"If you considered that a date, then it won't take much to beat it," I chuckle.

"Well, you never fail to impress me."

The bell rings signaling that we have to move to our next class.

Heather sighs, "I should go."

I nod, "Don't be late."

She gives me a sad smile and stands up, ready to walk toward the doors leading out. "Hey-" I stop her before she walks past me, "Come here," I gently pull her by the hem of her skirt to guide her over. I hear her laugh a little when I bring her down onto the chair with me.

"Yes?" She says with her hands on my face and a smile on hers.

You know what I want, butterfly.

My hand lightly trails up her thigh while I stare at her lips. She kisses me before I can say anything, feverishly connecting our lips and moving further onto me.

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