We All Fall Down

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Scene 1: The 7th Precinct

Matt Jensen

"Wake up, Matthew," I feel a hand on my shoulder and jump instantly when I remember I'm in jail..a holding cell, but still.

"Oh," I sigh in relief, "it's you."

"Yeah," Danny's dad nods, "you're free to go. Your parents are waiting for you in the lobby."

"I made bail?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Bail?" He chuckles, "no, you just don't have a record, and I put in a good word for your character. Plus, Spencer said you didn't have anything to do with stealing the car...or the radios, and that he pressured you into lying to protect him. He's pleading guilty to get you out."

"What?" I say in shock, "how much time is he going to get?"

"Hard to say," he shrugged, "the same amount as Thomas if he's lucky. He won't be put in the same place though, we'll probably send him to Connecticut."

"Connecticut? You can't do that!" I argue, "why can't he be with Tommy? You don't even know if he did it or not, he's just trying to look out for me. Why can't you keep searching for another guy, huh?"

"Off you go, now, Matthew," he sighs and stands outside of the cage they locked me in. "I've got work to do."

"Yeah, me too," I mutter angrily.

I'm going to kill Leo.

Scene 2: The Palace Hotel

Trevor Bailey

"Oh, Audrey," I say deviously as I knock on the door, "you wouldn't happen to be naked, would you?"

"I'm fully clothed, Trevor," I imagine that she's rolling her eyes, "you can come in."

"What a shame," I say jokingly.

"Is there something I can help you with?" She sighs.

"Should we order-in for dinner or do you want to go out?"

"I'm not hungry," Audrey looked up at me from her book, "if you're bored, order some entertainment. Isn't that what you usually do?"

I chuckle, "like I'd have to pay for it."

"Of course, not," she says sarcastically, "Trevor Bailey has every girl at his beck and call." I nod smugly. "All it takes is a second glance."

"I can have them after the first one," I smirk.

"Then what are you still standing here for?" She dares.

"Because," I scoff through laughter, "If I were to bring another woman to bed with me, I wouldn't even have the condom wrapper torn open before you told Alison."

"I'm just a gracious friend," she said deviously.

"Mm, and you'll be remembered for it," I replied facetiously. "Nonetheless, I'd rather not have to start all over again with her. Especially not before our ski trip. I'm looking forward to that."

"I'm sure," Audrey said indifferently.

"the master bedroom of my chalet...a burning fireplace...a king-sized bed...and our warm, naked bodies writhing on top of it."

"Don't forget to change the sheets beforehand. I imagine she's not going to be the first writhing girl beneath them."

"What an active imagination you have," I say slyly, "would you say you spend a lot of your time imagining how I am in bed?"

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