Playing it Cool

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Scene 1: Subway Station

Zach Teeling

I watch as passengers pack into the subway car, holding onto rails and maneuvering their way through other people's bodies as they scour for an empty seat. There aren't any.

"Oh," I say to myself when I see a pregnant woman get on board and accept her fate of having to stand. All the seated people simply look away or keep their heads down, assuming that avoiding eye contact will protect their conscience. "Here, you can have this seat," I say as I stand up.

"Aw, you don't have to do that. I'm fine."

"I insist, please," I motion toward the seat I gave up.

She smiles gratefully, and I take her place holding onto the pole as the last few people finally settled in.

You'd think there would be less of a crowd when the grounds are damp and the sidewalks are edged with brown snow. But, I guess everyone is looking for something.

My hand is touched, and on impulse, I pull away.

Evan chuckles before containing himself to a smirk, "Always so jumpy. You don't mind, do you?" He nods toward where both our hands are gripped around the pole.

"Where uh— where are you going?"

"My aunt gave me some money to buy last-minute gifts. Our whole family is like living with us until New Years," he chuckles.

"Oh, I'm spending Christmas at my granddad's house."

"Where are you off to now, then?"

"I'll probably just go home," I shrug.

"Oh, yeah? Well, if you're not doing anything, you can tag along," he offers.

"It's not that I'm not doing anything..." I say in defense, "I actually have plans with someone...we're gonna hang out."

Evan laughs unconvinced, "really? That's nice."

"You don't believe me?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I didn't say that," he shrugs with a sly expression that shows he doesn't believe me.

Maybe I am making it all up...but I don't want him to think I'm all alone without him.

...Like I'll have to crawl back because he's all I've got.

"His name is Aaron," I say quickly.

"Aaron?" He says skeptically.

"He works at Spencer Gifts and lets me have whatever I want from there. He's older, so," I shrug smugly.

"How old?"


"A senior?"

"He's taller than you...and me, obviously," I laugh, "but he doesn't seem to mind."

"Sounds like a fun guy. You should bring him around," Evan says indifferently.

"Maybe, I will, but not today...because we'll probably be busy," I shove my other hand in the left pocket of my jeans.

"I'm sure," he scoffs and laughs lightly.

"Yeah, well," I say casually before taking my hand out and flashing him the green condom I've been carrying around since the day I found it.

It's kind of like smoking cigarettes, it makes you look cooler.

Evan looks down at me, and I slip the condom back into my pocket before someone else notices.

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