Fate and Other Fairytales

631 21 12

Scene 1: Outside Chester High

Zach Teeling

"Note to invading aliens: Avoid this place," a guy reads from above me, and I close the sketchbook. "Did you draw that?"


"It looks cool."

"Thanks," I said hesitantly on the off chance that he's making fun of me.

"Can I buy it from you when you're done?"


"I'm in a band. We're called The Extraterrestrials."

"...you sing about aliens?"

"No?" He laughed and furrowed his eyebrows. "But this would be a sick album cover or flyer, you know?"

I smirked, "Yeah, okay."

"How much?"

"Uh..." I look up at him, hoping I can gauge the amount I should say. "Twenty bucks?"

He nodded and glanced behind him at the smokers close by. "Dave, come check this out."

"What's up?" Dave said as he came closer, and the guy pointed toward my picture. "Oh, shit. That's good."

"He's gonna let me buy it. Give me some cash."

"You can keep making stuff like this?" He asked me as he dug into his pocket for money.

"I didn't make it. I had a friend do it, but he's not around anymore."

"Did he...die?"

"Not really..." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry." Dave looked over at his friend and nudged him when he didn't share the same sympathy. "He's like in a coma, man."

"Do you have any more?" I'm asked, and I hand over the entire sketchbook that Aaron filled with aliens and spaceships and pictures of me battling them. "Dope," he says as he flips through it.

"Teeling!" Mr. Spinner yelled as he rounded the building, and Dave ran back to the smokers, dropping his cigarette while they followed suit. "You're supposed to be walking the track."

"Okay," I sighed.

"Hut two, I ain't got all day," he crossed his arms before looking past me. "You're not back here smoking again, are you, Reid?"

"No, sir." He handed back the sketchbook.

"That's what I thought," Mr. Spinner warned.

"Bye," I said sadly as I got up off of the ground.

"Hey, you should come to our gig."

"Yeah? Where at?"

"Heard of Club Sixx?"

I shake my head, "I can't get in."

"Nah, you can. Just tell them you're with me."


"Lucas," he put his arms out arrogantly, "I'm the lead singer."

Lucas Reid.

I smiled as I backed away, moving slowly so I could watch him leave in the other direction.

When I finally turned around, Evan stopped running on the track as he saw me. He scoffed and glared his eyes. "Don't even think about it. He's not gay."

"Stop talking to me." I scowled.

"Get over yourself."

"Funny coming from you."

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