Say Anything

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Scene 1: Addington High

Audrey Michaels

I sigh, "hello, boys."

"Hello, devil," Trevor winks.

I roll my eyes and look directly at Tony. "We need to talk."

Ethan and Trevor make hissing noises.

"Mm," Tony laughs and shakes his head, "try again."

I huff, "can we talk? Please?"

"Well, since you asked so nicely," a half-smile forms on his face at the semblance
of me ever being submissive to him of all boys.

I grab his wrist and pull him away from the twin flames that burn at my sanity.

"What is it?" Tony asks as I side-eye him for shaking off my grasp.

"...I've been thinking, and I came up with a solution that I believe we'd both be okay with."

"...a solution to what?"

"This whole thing," I gesture back and forth between us.

"I'm not following..."

"Anyway," I roll my eyes. "You can take me to the masquerade."

"What?" He laughs.

"Should I say it in French?"

"No, just try again."

I sigh, "will you take me to the dance?"

Tony sucks air between his teeth. "I can't."

"Excuse me?" I glare, and he shrugs while walking away. "Wait—"

"Yes?" Tony turns around indifferently.

"Why not?"

"Brenda already asked me."

I cross my arms, "Well, tell her 'no'."

"I already said 'yes'."

"She's not that cute."

Tony rolls his eyes, "I've got to go."

"When did you stop liking me?"

"You can't be serious," he scoffs.

"Do I strike you as a kidder?"

"No, you strike me as someone so fucking shallow, Audrey, that you don't think calling me pathetic and using me whenever it's convenient would be enough to make me stop liking you. You think it's impossible for anyone to not like you?"

"Tony, I didn't-"

"Shut up, Audrey."

Scene 2: Addington High Cafeteria

Heather Blakely

"Aren't you going to eat?" Lisa asks when she sees me heading toward the door.

"Yeah, save me a seat, okay?"

She smiles and motions toward the rose in my hand, "Got a date in the burnout lunch zone?"

I jokingly roll my eyes, "I'll be back."

I wish they would eat inside, cafeteria lunch dates would certainly be something I'd make a habit of. Most of them wander the halls during the winter months and only go outside to smoke, so I feel better knowing I'm not interrupting a crowd.

"Heather," Leo announces almost like a warning to the others. He's always worried someone's going to say something wrong around me.

"Hey," I lean over and kiss him.

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