It's Friday, I'm in Love

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Scene 1: Sinclair Residence

Alison Sinclair

I walk toward the rose-filled kitchen and audibly gag at the sight of my father kissing my mother.

They pull apart and take in my disgust.

"Thank you for that warm greeting, Alison," my mother rolls her eyes.

"To my other valentine," my father offers me a chocolate rose.

"You can keep that."

"Alison," my mother scoffs.

"It's alright, darling. She's not in the Valentine's spirit."

"She loves Valentine's Day," she argues.

"And she'll celebrate with her friends tonight, she's saving her energy," he kisses her forehead, "let's not pester her."

"You're too easy on her. She's been very rude lately, Dalton."

"Angst, she'll mature out of it."

She looks at me skeptically, sliding a box across the counter. "Here's your mask. If you're upset because you don't have a date tonight, my friend Joyce has a nice son-"

"I'm not dating boys my age anymore. Girls mature faster, yes? So why should we have to date below our maturity level?"

"I'm not sure I like how that sounds," my dad crosses his arms.

"I thought you, if anyone, would."

"Pardon me?"

"I like men in their mid-twenties," I smirk. "What do you like?"

"I'd like my daughter to refrain from pursuing illegal relationships with predators."

"Alex is not a predator."


"Who is this Alex?" My mother questions.

"I have an appointment. I don't want to be late," I leave them there with their concern.

"Alison," my dad calls for me as I'm walking toward the door.

"Get her, Dalton."

He walks quickly behind me, attempting to catch me before I'm too far out of the door.

"Now, you wait right there-"

I look over my shoulder and scowl at him. "Are you really going to stop me?"

He cowers and steps back from the door. "Alison...please."

"Didn't think so."

Scene 2: Evan's House

Zach Teeling

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" I say sadly to Aaron.

"Yeah, I've got stuff to do anyway. But I'll pick you up after?"

"Yeah," I almost open the door but hesitate and turn back to him. "And you're cool with this? Because if not, I can just drop the stuff off-"

"I trust, if you're not there, they won't inhale the right way and it will be a waste."

"Right, inhale...right."

He laughs, "tell them deep breaths and not to swallow it, people do that sometimes."

"No swallowing. I don't think anyone's used to hearing that."

His eyebrows raise in surprise and he starts to laugh before playfully pushing me. "Get out of my car."

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