Final Author note

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Hello my lovelies.

First things first I want to thank everyone that came on this journey with me.
To all the people that constantly voted and commented and shared.
And just cared enough to read to the end, this book would have never finished without you.
Deal with chaos started out as diary of some sort,  a place to release the dark feelings I had been in me.
All my characters are all an extension of me, and my various emotions.
Especially Sam and Vanessa.

For six years, it was when I was feeling miserable that I would write.

Even now I wrote this epilogue while suffering through some emotional pain that I couldn't have expected.
Most of the words I penned down came  with a lot tears and for reading the book and going on this journey with me, you gave my pain meaning.

You gave me the chance to be worthy of it all.
And I will forever be grateful to you.

The epilogue might not please everyone and I'm sorry about that, but I guess that's the only way it came out.
That's how the story felt like it needed to be told.

Here are a few questions I want to answer.

Will Tomi and Kayla eventually end up together?
I genuinely don't know, and honestly that's up to them and maybe you all.
I just wanted Kayla to be happy.
Kayla is like my alter ego, and I believe if she can be happy maybe I can be happy too.
So if they end up together in the future I know it will be alright and vice versa.

Why did Juwon and Kayla end up together?
Never look down on peace of mind, it's the most important thing in a relationship.
I once described Kaylas feelings for Juwon as easy and simple, and although I made it seem like it was nothing compared to what she felt for Tomi. It is actually just as strong.
Loving someone can sometimes feel like a battle and at the same time it can feel like a dance.
Juwon in his own way is good for her in the sense that, I feel like with him she can learn to dance more and be more joyful.
They might not stay together, but it doesn't mean they can't create something beautiful.
Sometimes simplicity is stunning.

Will there be a sequel?
Unfortunately their story is no longer mine to tell, and I no longer feel the urge to tell it.
I just want them both to be happy.

What inspired you to write this?
Well it's largely gotten from my own life with just a bit of added drama here and there.
Ultimately I just wanted to write a story on the futility of love.
And like I said before I needed to feel good about something.
So yeah

If you have any more questions you can dm me or just comment.
I will answer any questions.
If you want to show love and support send me money.
Just show the support any way you can.

Once again thank you all so so much.
I love you so much.

Till we meet again.
Kanyinsola Ogedengbe.

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