Chapter 2

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Our school is one of the most prestigious schools in our country, most of the students were children of C.E.OS, politicians, wealthy business get the drift, the school was for our countries one percent.

There was no way my parents could have paid for my fees in reality, so that fact that I was intelligent enough to win a scholarship made me their beloved only child.

Don't get it twisted my parents were not poor, they were just ordinary middle class people.

Nessa had already gone to the school dormitory, her home was too far away to come to school everyday.

As for me I always waited after school for a few hours for my dad, the school bus could always drop me at home but my dad thought it was too expensive.
So he'd rather pick me up, which is okay but it was always after work and he closed by five.

Sitting in school for three hours was fun if you're with friends, but being alone was definitely not fun.
As long as I had a book I would sit on a corner
read a book until my dad came.

Today was a different though, as I stared at the remnants of my classmates also waiting chatting and having fun... I felt like a loner.

I sighed to myself, if only I could just walk up to them and..
"well you look depressed "
I jumped at Tomi's voice from behind me.

"Jesus! You psycho! You just don't scare someone like that"  I said in mild anger.

He rolled his eyes, and said "I've been standing there for a while, I have an art project and I needed inspiration."

"I didn't know I was a source of inspiration to you" I said smirking
"sweetheart I was trying to paint the sky, you being my inspiration would cause chaos on my canvas."

I frowned as he continued talking "but then you were looking all depressed and I wanted to know why, Apparently you're tired of being lonely"

"you're lost, please go away you're killing my brain cells with your utter misconception of me." I said annoyed that he had figured me out so easily.

Tomi bent placing his hand on the side of my chair.  He was on the same level of my face. He lifted my chin up and I jerked back at his close proximity.
He was close.
Too close.

"Kay Kay, if you're so tired of being lonely, you should just walk up to them. They won't bite. I promise. " I jerked my head and from his grasp and moved back. 

" I don't need your advice.  What I do and how I am is none of your business so get out my space. " I snapped back, pissed.

He raised his hands and moved back." I forgot about your beastly nature. Thanks for reminding me. "

Smirking, he walked out. Thankfully,  Dad arrived and I quickly picked my bag and fast walked towards his Camry. I settled in my seat and sighed.
" Good Evening Dad. "

" Evening... One of your friends is waving at you"
"Who?" I turned around and saw Tomi waving.   Trying not to smile (and failing) I raised my middle finger and waved it back.

I was still thinking about my conversation later that in my room, the weird thing is that it brought a smile on my face.

Before I knew it is started wondering how I would feel if Tomi used me for his art project.

Shaking my head, he already said I would cause chaos on his canvas, there was no point daydreaming.

It's just there was something appealing about being an artists muse.

My phone vibrated, jolting me out of my musings.

Sliding the screen to unlock it, I noticed it was a message from juwon.
Smiling I quickly typed.
Heyy juwon what's up?

Cool, you?


Sleep, what are you still doing awake?

Lol, trying to finish my assignments . What are you still doing awake?

Thinking about you.

I paused for a minute, narrowing my eyes I tried to decode what he meant. While I was still wondering what to type in reply, my phone vibrated signaling he had seen another message.

Lol I'm just joking Kay, I'll see you in school tomorrow.
With a sigh I relief I typed:
Lol very funny... NOT  I'll see you in school tomorrow. Good night

Good night . :-*
The emoji worried me, juwon hadn't sent me
something like that before.

It wasn't like he had feelings for me, he was too much of a fuckboy to stick with a girl.

I was just being stupid... I hope

Quick question, I don't have to do this authors note every time do I?
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