Chapter 38

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Tomisin felt like a fraud.
He didn't deserve this.
Didn't deserve this happiness.

But he was so freaking happy.

He watched the screen of his phone in anticipation, it was still ringing but he was sure she'd pick.

It'd become a constant thing ever since Kayla left for her grandma's place in Ibadan, their FaceTiming.

Each of those calls had left him feeling like a child with joy in his heart.
Or a faithful dog excited to receive attention from his master.
Either way he was utterly and completely addicted to her attention.

And the high?

Fucking A-Plus.

He was at Sam's place, kitchen to be precise sitting at the kitchen island and looking at his phone waiting for her to pick.

When she finally did, he was blessed with the sight of a close up of her beautiful face.

"Hey." She casually said.

"KayKay, hows the village life?" He asked with a smile.

Kayla rolled her eyes, hinting at the exasperation and boredom she had been feeling ever since her family had gotten there.

"It's the same, grandma was complaining about how I can't speak Yoruba so well and how my mum should bring me more often." Kayla said with an annoyed look on her face.

"Eyah poor baby." He said his cheek resting on his hand just pleased to hear her voice.

Kayla must have dropped her phone since all Tomi could see was the ceiling.

"Don't be sarcastic with me young man."  She said picking up the phone and held it to her face.

Tomi faltered.

"Kaykay?" He tentatively asked.

"Hmm?" She replied.

"Baby...what's wrong with your hair?" Tomi bravely rushed out because of the sight of her hair tied in black rubber coming to form long thick black strands  in different places on her head.

It's not everyday you see Kayla do kiko 

She reached up to touch on strand, "oh I'm trying to grow my hair." Looking back at him, she posed prettily, "what? Don't you like it?"

Tomi cleared his throat, "no of course I love it, you make everything look beautiful." including spider leg looking things attached to her head (the last part he added in his head.)

"Aww thanks Tomi! You're so sweet."

Tomi smiled, he couldn't help it "but...I mean you're now looking like you fit in with the village, you know all ara oko-ish" (village person or uncultured person)

Kayla gasped, "Tomi!"

When Face time ended showed on the screen , Tomi burst into laughter.

Twenty unanswered calls later, Kayla's laughing smile shone down at him, "Stop calling me this boy!"

Tomi grinned, "I'm sorry nau , someone cannot play with you again."

She shook her head , "no, no you can't."

"Please na." He beseeched.

Kayla narrowed her beautiful eyes at him, "fine, but you better sweep me off my feet when I get back. "

Tomi smiles, "I plan to do that for the rest of my life."

Kayla didn't say anything but she didn't have to.

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