Chapter 56

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Please refer to chapter 37 and chapter 44 to reacquaint yourself with the previous flashbacks, in case you've forgotten. Thank you so much.


A few years ago.

Adebola Adewumi was exhausted.
Bisi was nagging at him again.
He understood that she had every right to be angry.

But she was taking this too far.

"I will not let a pedophile and a rapist sleep under this roof! Debola so ti Gbo! Over my dead body." Bisi said to him .

"Bisi we haven't confirmed If any of these allegations are true. Please he's my son." He begged.

"He's not my son! In fact your children...our children are presently at a friends house because I can't stand the idea of the them staying in the same house as him! Why are you keeping my children away from me!"

Debola sat at the edge of the bed Bisi was throwing her tantrum from, "Bisi that was your choice." He said gently.

She shot him a furious look, "and so now it's my fault! My actions caused this? Wow. You're not sleeping in this bed with me oh." She finished crossing her arms.

"Bisi Jo." He begged

Bisi looked at him, and she looked like she almost gave in. Then she shook her head, "No Debola, fi mi si le."

And so debola stood outside his room with his pillow, kicked out of his own room.

Sighing he walked downstairs to the guest room.
He might as well get to his know his son better.

He knocked at the door, and when he got no reply, he slowly pushed the door open.

The door was right next to the headstand of the bed, so Debola could see his son Temidayo on his bed earphones plugged in, too deeply engrossed with a video on his phone too have heard him.

It was curiosity that made Debola look, and at first he thought it was pornographic video.
He would have excused it as a young man trying to satisfy his sexual desires.

But then the video flashed to a face.

And Debola finally understood the depravity of what he was seeing.

It was the face of a young female child.

He looked away from the phone and saw his son's hand edge towards his crotch area and fondle himself.

He looked back at the phone and saw the young and immature body of the young child.

Debola slowly shut the door as quietly as possible.

Almost as if he was in a trance, he slowly walked back upstairs to his room.

Bisi on seeing him sat up immediately and glared at him.

"Debola if you think I'm going to change my mind..." she trailed off on seeing the distraught look on his face.

Quickly she leaped out of bed and held his face in his hands.
"Debo! What's wrong? Ba mi soro!"

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