Chapter 19

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Tomi kept glancing at the person walking right beside him, his best friend for almost ten years but still the one person he didn't really know.

Sam suddenly threw a look to his direction,  not wanting to be caught, Tomi looked away.

Sam sighed and stopped, Tomi noticing his actions also stopped.

Sam turned to him, "Guy just talk, cause from the way you're looking at me you obviously have something on your mind."

Tomi looked away at first not wanting to say anything, he then looked back at Sam as if he had all of a sudden changed his mind.

"What was all of that with Kay earlier?"

Sam immediately narrowed his eyes,
"Guy are you vexing?

He shook his head, "No...of course not...." Tomi looked away and ran his hands through his afro, "look, can you not just talk to her like that again."

Sam burst into laughter , "Tomi are you fucking with me ?", he bent and resting his hands on his knees, "Abeg leave that one."

Noticing that Tomi was deadly serious he slowly straightened, "you've got to be kidding me, Guy stop with all this shit, it's pissing me off." He waved his hand as if to end the conversation.

Tomi stepped in front of Sam, "well maybe you're the one pissing me off, you know how I feel about her , you of all people shouldn't treat her like that."

Sam went a silent for a couple of seconds, his eyes were dark and unreadable , once again Tomi was struck with the feeling like he didn't really know his best friend.

Suddenly he smiled and raised both hands, "okay chill, like she said it was because of the tension, it won't happen again."

Tomi paused then nodded, "yeah okay, thanks."

Sam punched his shoulder playfully, "anything for my pussy whipped boy."

Tomi scowled, "fuck off."

"Anyway we need to find Moyin." Tomi added.

"Deborah! You stupid girl! Wait till I get my fingers on your ugly ass face."

Sam grinned, "found her."


It took a lot of coaxing to get Moyin relatively calm.

Relatively being the key word.

We were currently in the prefects lounge, Because of the recent events, the student committee had to convene.

The student committee was basically all the prefects coming together to solve a particular issue without the involvement of teachers or other staff.

And since I was directly involved I had no other choice to be there.

Another person who had no other choice to be there was Nkechi.

Since Deborah was also a prefect she was not directly under scrutiny.

Over all we had about twenty prefects,unlike most schools our prefects did not have special posts, like health prefect or social prefect, rather a prefect was just a prefect and can be given any duty at any time.
The only special posts were head prefect boy and girl, and sports prefect boy and girl.

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