Chapter 53

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The sun shone menacingly the day I  got back to school. Over the horizon it seemed a bit threatening, as if it promised a bit more.

The sun seemed a bit foreboding, almost as if it was cautioning everyone to take shelter while they still could.

The thunder was just right around the corner.

I looked away as the glare of the sun threatened to blind me.
Lack of sight.
It was almost tempting.
To not see seemed like bliss at that moment.

I would do anything to not be able to see expressions and people.

Especially that Toyosi girl.

I couldn't promise anyone I won't finish what I started if she looked at me funny.

I looked up to see Juwon jogging towards me, with Nessa on his heels.
My heart fell a little when my eyes landed on her.

She still looked so dejected and empty.
Her eyes were sullen and lifeless.
Her welcoming smile, cold and emotionless.
She almost looked like a shell of Nessa.

It ached to see her that way.

Nessa on reaching me  grabbed my hand like one would an anchor, for fear of drowning.

"Kayla, I'm so glad you're back." She said her voice sounding a bit hoarse.
Looking at her closely I realized she looked a lot worse than expected.

Her eyes were red and swollen, and her cheeks were sunken, her complexion was shallow and lacked actual color.

I tapped her cheeks, "Nessa, you look wow, are you eating."

Juwon held my other hand and intertwined my fingers in his, "Kayla, I assure you, she is not eating. And no matter how I try to convince her otherwise, she's not budging."

I looked at Nessa's gaunt form and shook my head, "don't worry I'm back now. We'll see about this not eating thing."

I linked my other arm with Nessa' s and the three of us made our way into the school compound.

I felt a bit nostalgic, because it felt like the way we used to be.
Juwon, Nessa and Kayla, the ultimate squad.
It reminded me of simpler times, easier times, forgettable times.

I missed it.

In the distance I noticed, Dayo, Michelle, Oluchi was Ini together having a conversation right outside my class.

I knew I should meet them, in fact apologize as well for cutting them off. But I was scared and a little bit wary.

What was I going to say?

Instead I tugged on Juwon's hand, "you guys let's just head straight to the hall from here, and get okay seats for assembly."

"But your bag,"  Nessa protested.

"Hey it's fine, I don't mind at all." I insisted, "let's just go."

On getting to the hall, I headed straight for the back corner, a place where I could Just fade in and not get any attention whatsoever.
I sat down, with Juwon by my right and Nessa by my left.
Slowly we observed as students started pouring in.

Most students didn't notice, they were too busy whispering amongst themselves to care.

It seemed like in the time I was gone, someone else has become the new topic of conversation.

I didn't know if I should feel pity for the new victim or good that I no longer was.

I sat and looked at the throngs of students walking into the assembly hall.
Most were laughing, on the arms of friends.
Some were giggling with their friends.
Girls that were staring longingly at their crushes.
Guys that were content in their immaturity.

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