Chapter 65

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One year later

Seeing Kayla bloom as the center of attention, made Nessa beam in happiness.
It was not just long ago that she had shied away from it, cowered in fear of it.
And now she stood, flourishing as if in her element.

Nessa stood up and joined everyone in clapping as Kayla was awarded the Samuel Adams award for excellence, previously known as the valedictorian award.

She stood in her graduation gown on the stage as she was handed the plaque, looking just as beautiful as the day Nessa met her.
And Nessa couldn't be more proud.

"That's my bitch!" Dayo screamed beside her, also in her graduation outfit.
Vanessa and the rest of the gang, consisting of Oluchi, Ini and Michelle burst into laughter.

Nessa's heart felt so full of love and joy.
She couldn't believe she was standing here with girls that had eventually turned into friends.

Into sisters.

She looked back and stared at the painting of Sam the students had hung at back of the hall.

A string of sadness struck at her, Nessa welcomed it wholeheartedly.

It took a little bit of loss for her to become whole.
Tomisin has sent the painting of him, from the States last year.
Everyone knew he was the artist behind it, and Nessa could easily say it was one of his best works yet.
It was unveiled last year during his graduation last year, and she remembered how Kayla tensed in anticipation.
Nessa knew she was expecting Tomisin to attend as well.

However, he was nowhere to be found.

A fact Kayla did not fully accept until the event ended and the school had become empty.

Ness could remember seeing Kayla's pained eyes as she joined her by the entrance of their hall.
"I really thought he'd come Nessa." was all Kayla said before shaking her head she walked away.

Now, exactly a year later, Nessa wondered if Tomisin would show.
She wondered if Kayla was also wondering the same thing.

Nessa's eyes fell off the painting and landed on the man behind her.
His eyes shone from pride and awe as he screamed in praise of Kayla.
The boy was still so in love with her.
It was so beautiful to watch.
So sad to see.

Nessa faced back to the stage and watched Kayla become teary as she received the scholarship to a university in the United Kingdom as well.
Her eyes spoke of disbelief, but Nessa knew if anyone deserved this it would be Kayla Damilola Williams.

Her best friend.


Juwon could count on one hand all the blessings in his life.
Kayla Williams would take two fingers.

As the photographer's lenses flashed, his memories flashed by as well.
In a matter of months, his feelings had evolved into something way deeper than he ever expected.
But who could blame him.

Kayla was the golden nectar he has been thirsting for his whole life.

He remembered just after they had finished their final exams, she had walked toward him joy and confidence was in her every step.

He could only stand in awe as she stalked towards him, laughter clear in her features.

Crystal Gems of moisture adorned her skin like diamonds.
Beneath the soft adoration of the setting sun, she almost looked like a work of art.
The rain came like a lover's touch, soft and sweet.
She smiled like a rainbow.
Like a double rainbow.

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