Chapter 8

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You know when something happens and the whole school keeps buzzing about it. For the past few weeks the school has been buzzing like crazy.

I'm normally not bothered about gossip, either way I still found out about what's going on a  few weeks later than the average student.

So by now,     I ought to have heard about whatever the heck was going on. Unfortunately it was mid terms, and I was too focused to bother about some silly new gossip.

Apparently, people were afraid of me during mid terms and exam periods. Nessa claimed that a dark cloud hung over my head and my eyes gleamed dangerously (basically like anime) whenever anyone tried to approach me.

That's obviously an exaggeration.

But I had to agree that I was a little bit more lonesome and aggressive when it came to tests, but I had a scholarship, I was already at the bottom of the social ladder. The only thing that made people tolerate me was the fact I'm smarter that more than 90% of the whole school.

So if reading like crazy made me scary, then I was ready to be as as scary as Gaea was to Percy, Jason and their friends.

Presently, I was in the science lab, buried in my government textbook trying to finish cramming a particular topic in time for the upcoming test when Nessa sauntered in.

When I ignored her presence, she slammed her palms on the table, making me jolt in surprise.
Lifting my eyes from my book, I glared at her.

"What. Do. You. Want. " I said practically snarling at her.

She rolled her eyes
"Please, don't give me those scary eyes, you're the one that was ignoring me."

"I don't have scary eyes" I muttered and continued with my book.

"Dude, you do, but anyway I have great news!. "

"You don't say" sarcasm dripped from my voice .

Ignoring me she continued "March past tryouts are starting today, and it'll run till the end of the week!."

"Excuse me? " I lifted my eyebrows.

" Uh oh, the cloud is getting darker. " Nessa said to herself.

I stood up and began to pace while ranting.
"Who came up with that? , mid terms are next week! I need to spend every moment reading! This would take all my time and it would be so inconvenient to me! Who would do something so wicked!, so cruel, so inconsiderate, so...Tomi! " I stopped immediately.

"That. Little. Maggot."  clenching my fists, I stomped out of the class.

"Kay? Maybe you should calm down a little." Nessa said from behind me.

Not missing a beat, I continued stomping towards my destination.

"I tried to be civil Nessa!  I'm trying to tolerate him but then he does this! He deserves to be sacrificed!"  I shouted back at her

"Kay? Sacrifice is a bad thing, repeat after me, bad thing."

I just kept on ignoring her.
"Uh, Kay? I don't think we're allowed in there, maybe... " before she could finish, I burst into the prefects lounge.

And walked in to see two couples making out, the two being Sam and some girl that broke the kiss and glared at me when I walked in.

Talk about super awkward .

"Uh i'll just come back later, sorry..." I said moving back in embarrassment.

Raising his hand, Sam cut me off mid sentence and sighed.

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