Chapter 5

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The little problem was that I wasn't happy, I hated the fact that Tomi of all people made me feel so darn guilty and bad.

I mean, what right does he have to make me feel bad?

I just finished a class and walking towards my next class when I bumped into Moyin.

Moyin Zaid resident school head prefect girl, also a bitch, a whore and a psychopath

Her sister, Dayo who was in my grade was no less different, she had this group of minions which consisted of Oluchi, Ini and Michele.

They were a really tight circle, They still mixed with other popular girls but nothing compared to their close knit.

People thought that was true friendship, but they always backstabbed themselves, gossiped and they've fought so many times that I believe that the each of them know too many secrets about themselves and it'll be safer if they were friends.

The Queen Bees of the group were Oluchi and Dayo,I think they're all sluts though, their Instagram says it all.

It didn't help that Dayo used to date Tomi, they were like the it couple for a while until they broke up.

Nobody really knows why, but people believe that her whoring ways was the cause.

That's not exactly the point, the point is I bumped into Moyin.

Immediately her beautiful cold eyes landed on me I knew I was done for.
"What are you doing loitering on my hallway?" she said crossing her arms

Technically it was more of the schools hallway but I wanted to live there's no way I was going to say that.

"Uh I'm on my way to class?"

"Then go to your class! Don't loiter!"

"Actually I was walking to class not loitering should I have flown to class or something?" I didn't say that for real but I thought it.

I rolled my eyes and moved on.

"Hey!" Moyin called to me.

I turned back and faced her.

"I just wanted to warn you about Sam,i know you're thinking that I'm about to say stay away from him, he's mine but it's not that."

"What is it then?" I asked a little irritated.

"I know it's kind of heady when Sam gives you his attention but be careful, Sam is not a good guy he has a lot going on right now just don't let him mess you up."

I nodded a little surprised that she even knew me. Have I become that popular all of a sudden?

"Now get off my hallway! "

I turned and walked away as fast as I could.
"look Kay, Moyin is a psycho she's just trying to push you away from Sam because she's obviously jealous."

Nessa said frowning.

It was during lunch and I was too worried to eat.

"For God's sake Kay! Trust me Moyin is just trying to remove competition"

"that's the problem, I'm not competition! I don't even have feelings for him, no doubt he is something , he's just not my type of something. People just like to jump to the conclusion that I'm into him and I'm not!" I said raising my voice in annoyance.

"If that's true then Moyin's warning is pointless, forget her!" Nessa insisted.

"Fine. Let's just forget this subject. " I said leaning back on my chair.

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