Chapter 20

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The week flew by in a flurry of activities,  it was two days before the main inter house competition and I barely had time to breathe.

I was in economics class when my phone buzzed, discreetly so as to avoid the gaze of my teacher , I unlocked it to see almost 200 messages from the march past group chat in just Ten minutes. I couldn't even bother going through them , I just read the most recent one.

Moyin: Why isn't Kay saying anything?
Moyin: Kay!! 

Kay:Moyin I'm here oh!
Kay:What happened?

Moyin: How far the tailor and our costumes na?
Moyin: You know we don't have time.

Kay: Like I said ten minutes ago, it's almost done , I'll be going to collect the last batch today.

Moyin: Good.

Dayo: Wait oh! Dnt forget 2 tell him, I want my skrt to be a lttle tighter.

Moyin: 🤦🏾‍♀️
Moyin:  why didn't you say anything before?????

Michelle: you guys, I'm in class ! Chill till break 😩

Ini : Abi oh🙄

Kay: Dayo there's nothing I can do
Kay: it's too late
Dayo: ah ah now, wat am I goung to do?

Oluchi: goung?
Oluchi: you mean *going?

Dayo: I ask u? 

Nessa:  Moyin what bout the horses 🐴

Kay: what?

Tomisin: which one is horses now?????????

Moyin: ah ah have you forgotten? I said I was going to provide two black horses.

Sam: Nawa oh , on top march past.

Moyin: shut up!


I looked up from my phone into my teachers face,  he stretched out his hand and I just gave him my phone
There was no point begging, at least I'll get it back by school'a end.

The bell rang signaling the end of class, grabbing my stuff I quickly made my way to the dining hall, to see Moyin walking towards me.

On reaching me, she linked her arm with mine , she smiled at me, "Kay would you mind telling me why you were ignoring my texts."

I sighed, "Mr Obasa seized my phone."

She frowned, "why weren't you more careful? "

I rolled my eyes, "maybe if you guys weren't texting like crazy, I wouldn't be here."

"Oh hush, let's just go."

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