Chapter 37

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Adebisi's mother always told her that her family line was cursed, Adebisi figured the curse was poverty or barrenness, something reasonable.

It was on her sixteenth birthday that her mother sat her down in the small parlor in their house in Abeokuta.

Her mother held her hand and said, "Bisi , ife ni egún wa." (Bisi, love is our curse)

Bisi remembered staring at her Mother in confusion, "Maami ko ye mi." (I don't understand mother)

Bisi's mother proceeded to explain how at every point in her family's life , generation to generation, someone always loved someone too much, too hard and it the end it always destroyed them.

Her mother said that it happened to her sister , her father and her grandfather.

All dead.

From loving too much.

Bisi remembered how hard her mother held her shoulder and looked into her eyes, her mother told her if she ever saw love coming, run, Bisi, run like your life depended on it.

Bisi mother also believed that white people were angels of God.

So she never took her seriously.

Bisi was a fool.

Bisi tried not to look at him standing in front of her and cursed herself for her foolishness for the hundredth time.

What was she doing?

How could she do this again and again.

This time she swore to herself, this time she would not fall, fail nor falter.

She would not give him another chance.

"Bisi how are you? " His deep baritone voice tried to sneak it's way into her heart, lucky for her,she was already used to it.

She glared at the small billboard opposite a her house, the woman's smiling face holding a sachet of milk usually irritated her.
Today it was a blessed distraction.

"Eh hen kilofe?" Bisi said sharply. (What do you want?)

She heard him take a deep breath then he gently added, "Bisi Ma se ba yi.. ba mi soro , baby talk to me." (Bisi don't behave like this, talk to me)

Bisi hissed and focused on her milk woman, "kini baby?  Wo man yi ki lon se ye! Mi ofe ba e soro, on fe gbo ron." She snapped. (Which one is baby, this man what is wrong with you! I don't want to talk to you and you don't want to listen)

"Jo ife mi, you can't keep doing this...I can't do without you."

Bisi laughed hysterically and clapped her hands, "e pele sah, you can't do without me? Good! Die!"

"Bisi look at me, I know you still have feelings for me." His voice wrapped around her senses like warmth on a cold harmattan morning.

She struggled with words but her eyes still stayed on the milk woman, as she would rather die than look at him.

"Bisi." He persisted.

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