Chapter 49

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Tomi found me in his car in the empty parking lot.

Immediately he saw me, he looked relieved and worried all at the same time.

I was sitting in the passenger side with both car doors open so as to avoid suffocating.

Tomi on getting to my side of the car, placed his arm on top of the car door and looked down at me.
"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

I looked away and shrugged, "Nothing."

He let out a soft sigh then crouched in front of me, placing both elbows on his knees, "Hey talk to me."

I rolled my eyes, "it's just one more person on the Kayla is no good for you train, it's not a  big deal."

Tomi shook his head, "I'm sure whatever Esosa said, she didn't mean any offense."

I threw him an irritated look, "Are you seriously taking her side? For real? You know what? Just go and play with your horses, I'll wait here till you're done. Say hello to your new crush Sossy for me." I said with a sarcastic smile.

Tomi let out an exasperated breath, stood back up and left.

I ignored the feelings of neglect that had started to arise, I knew Tomi had every right to be angry.
I was being unnecessarily difficult and dramatic.

I was just jealous.

For the first time I was insanely jealous.
Esosa was so sophisticated and stunning, it didn't help that she seemed to click so well Tomi.
It just felt like she would be the kind of person that Tomi would end up with, not me.
And I hated feeling that way.

"Okay Kayla lets go."
Tomi's voice pulled me out of my reverie as I looked up in surprise.

"What about your game?" I asked.

"What's the point of playing if you're not going to be there?"  He said nonchalantly.
I didn't know how much I wanted to hear those words, until he said them.
I didn't know how relieved I was that he chose me until he did choose me.
And I knew the right thing to do was to suck it up and watch his stupid match, but I just did not want to look at Esosa for one more second.

Instead I kept quiet as he got into the car and prepared to leave.

"Sorry." I said quietly as I shut the door beside me.

"For what?" He asked starting the car.

"For being so difficult."

Tomi paused his actions and sighed.
Looking at me he smiled, "I love you Kay, you don't have to be sorry for anything."

I took his hand and kissed his knuckles.
He gave me a small smile in return.
I suddenly felt grateful. I felt like he deserved everything and I could barely give him anything.

It made me want to give him all that I could.
I just didn't know how.

I turned in my seat, so that I was directly facing him.
He looked at me, watching me warily, probably wondering what I was up to.

I ran my finger down his arms and then slid my fingers under his shirt, to feel the firm flesh underneath.

I couldn't read his expression, I couldn't read him when he got like this.
His eyes never wavered from my face though as if he was waiting to see how far I was willing to go.

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