Chapter 14

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Hello my lovelies , so I just entered this awards, and I really really really really need you guys to vote for me, pretty pretty please it would mean a lot if I got a few votes. To vote go to   , then in the chapter, vote part2(that's the name of the chapter) you'll see my name and my book , please comment +1 next to it and that's basically all. Thank you so much!!!! I know we can totally do it.
"A date huh? I have to say I did not see that coming."

I rolled my eyes at Nessa's reflection on the mirror, "trust me I didn't see it coming either, I didn't think he actually liked me."

"Will you shut up there, oh my gosh Kay, I meant that I didn't think he had the balls to actually ask you out , but apart from that it was so obvious that he had the feels for you, are you telling me that you didn't know?" She asked throwing a dress at my face.

I looked at the dress, then sighed, "I mean I had an idea, but I thought I was imagining things you know."

Noticing the dress was too short I threw it back at her.

She stood up from my bed, "okay okay I'm done! This must be the thousandth dress we've tried..."

"that's obviously an exaggeration since I don't have that much clothes." I quickly put in.

She held a finger in my face, "Point is, there was absolutely nothing wrong with that one."

I stared at her, "I'm going to the movies not the club."

She groaned, "fine, fine , what do you have in mind."

I looked at my toes, " I don't know, something casual but really pretty."

She pointed at the one I had just thrown back at her, "that was pretty and casual."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah in a non casual way."

She looked at me.

"What?" I asked in response to her stare.

"Do you even want to go for this date?." She asked arms akimbo.

"Yes! I think a way...sort of."

Nessa looked at me and raised her eyebrow.

I sighed and fell back on my bed, "I don't know joor, I'm just so confused you know."

She moved to sit beside me, looking down at me she said, "okay talk to me, what's going on in there." She finished tapping my head.

I sat up, "it's just that what if this is a big mistake, what if we barely talk or it's really awkward, I mean don't get me wrong, I've always felt some way for Juwon and I liked the way he made me feel but ...what if it isn't enough to be with him."

She smiled at me, "babe that's why it's a date, you're supposed to use it to figure these things out. Stop over thinking things, at the end of the day it's just Juwon, just be your normal self and it'll be fine, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay, I mean what could go wrong."

Nessa laughed, "Abeg, don't say that before you jinx everything."

"Yeah you're probably right, but back to the crisis at hand, I obviously have nothing to wear."

She smiled at me, "don't worry as your best friend I have got that covered, just start with your make up okay ?"

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