Chapter 57

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Pain and time has a way of complimenting themselves.

In pain, time becomes longer
And with time, pain becomes stronger.

The short period of a month felt like  a year.
And in that period,
I had begun to fade.
I could no longer feel.
As if  life was leaving my body.
As if I was turning into a ghost.

In the darkest nights and in the loneliest mornings.
I sleep with sobs in my throat, and wake up with tears on my cheeks.
Agony seeps into my dreams and haunt my every waking moment.

School was the worst part.
Eight hours of pretending like everything was okay, like I was okay.
Like my insides didn't feel like it was suffering from bruises.

A few of my friends could tell, like Moyin, Juwon , Michelle , Dayo , Ini and Oluchi.

It was clear they knew something was wrong, but I wouldn't say what exactly.
Or maybe they had already figured it out.

We had barely even seen Tomisin since that fateful evening, even now that they had started their WAEC exams.

He popped into the exam hall just when he was about to start and popped right out when the exam is over.

He didn't stay to dally, or talk to anyone.
Therefore I didn't get to see him myself.

Thank God

It was already lunch time, and so the acting prefects were taxed with ensuring the students went to the hall for lunch.

I went class to class with Juwon, trying to make sure students went for lunch, trying to let it not remind me of him.

We had just finished with the last class on the part we had been assigned when Juwon looked down at me.

"Kayla I've been meaning to ask, are you okay?" He gave me a concerned look.

I gave him the best smile my face could muster, "Yeah of course!" I sounded pitchy and fake, so I tried to sound normal "don't I look okay?"

He gave me a knowing look.

I sighed, "Okay, I'm a little bit off, I know."

"A little bit?" Juwon interjected.

I rolled my eyes, "point is I'll be fine, I need to head to Moyin's class to get my phone, I asked her to keep it for me, can we meet up at the hall ?"

He looked at me for a bit then nodded.

On my way to Moyin's block, I quietly thanked God that Tomi had decided to stop coming to school.

In a way I couldn't survive anything else.

I walked into the class where the students sat studying, either alone or in groups.
I located Moyin at the back of her class, she was busy revising as well, however the assistant maths teacher Mr Okafor stood bent beside her table, helping her.

Of course Moyin gets an actual teacher to help with her books.
She suddenly looked up at him, breaking into laughter.
She was sparkling.
Moyin was sparkling.

Could the jokes be true?

Could Moyin actually like the handsome teacher?

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