Chapter 6

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I spent the next few days recovering from Tomi's assault on me.

And yes I also seriously avoided him like the plague which limited the time I spent with Nessa.

So Juwon had a new stick on, which was me cause i stuck on him like glue.... Get it?... Stuck on him cause I was a stick... Never mind.

The both of us were sitting together during a school assembly  after the appropriate the school and national anthem,(yes we do that in our school) when the principal took the stage.

Tall, big and bald. Mr Bello was both funny and scary.

Leaning on the alter stand he spoke into the microphone

"Good morning! Our biannual Interhouse Sport competition is here again. "
The school went wild.

I had to say I was also excited it had to be one of the most interesting and awesome events in our school.

It was like the Olympics except on a smaller scale and it consisted of houses instead of countries.

The term house was used because our school would be divided into four houses.
Red House.
Purple House.
Yellow House.
Green House.

Various sports were involved, from indoors to outdoors.

The biggest were football, basketball, swimming and all the track sports, that is the 100 metres, relay and all that.

The control of the houses would be divided between each of the prefects except for the sports prefects. They had to maintain a neutral stance.

The event stated to hold a week in December would begin it's preparation in October.

Students would be tested and personally hand picked for any event, then practice starts.

Students practice for various sports both track and field and March past.

March past was one of the biggest events, and trust me it's not as stiff as seen on TV.

Acrobatics, gymnastics, stomping and a host of other activities were involved.
Every girl wants to march, and every female prefect wants to be in charge. 
Well not every girl, there were people like me who preferred to sit on the stands, clapping and cheering like mad while eating ice cream. 

Sigh, not participating is a beautiful thing.

"The lists for the houses are on notice boards around school, there your names are divided into different houses along with your house prefects. " Mr Bello continued.

I prayed that at least Nessa and I would be in the same house and Tomi would be in another.

After assembly everyone rushed to different notice boards, while Juwon and I walked to class.

" Don't you want to check your name?" I asked him
He looked down at me and shook his head.

"Nahh, I'd rather not come this year. "

My mouth fell open.

"But you're one of the star athletes in this school!  Especially in football. Every house prefect would force you to participate." I rushed out as soon as I regained my ability to speak.

"That I why I have a fake doctors report claiming I have asthma, I think I'm safe. " He said winking at me.

"But why?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm just not interested, at least you'll have a cheering and eating ice cream partner. " I smiled up at him.

"Okay! We are gonna have fun partner."

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