Chapter 35

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Luke's POV

I hear the door close after she finally struggled out of my arms. There is still a part of me that will always worry that she'll leave again, but I have to trust her.

She'd promised and I know she keeps them.

I run my fingers over the red stains that seem to slowly be fading. I know I probably look like I've got the chicken pocks, but I don't want to wash them off. Just the memory of her lips on me starts my arousal again. I push it aside because I don't want to be too sore if she comes back.

I mentally smack myself in the face for thinking like a manwhore and turn my head so I'm not watching the door and look up to the ceiling. I take a deep breath and exhale loudly. Everything seems a blur and somehow, a part of me is sad.

Not like I admit it, but I enjoyed the chase. She always kept me on my toes every time she spoke, but she's finally given in.

But the much larger part of me is glad I'm not running after her anymore. I'm exhausted of chasing, now I have the prize, I can use the energy to keep her to stay.

I hear the door open and snap my head up. I know it's not her, which I know for certain when the heavy stomps of the boys thunder against the wooden flooring.

I slam my head down, I don't want to move. She's tired me out.

Michael's head peers round the door frame "God it smells like sex in here!" he smiles and I knew he'd knows.

I don't agree and sit up.

"Dude I can see your cock! Cover it up!" Michael whines and I don't see his problem; he could probably draw it from memory.

"When did you get shy around it?" I smirk, he rolls his eyes.

"Since I know where that's been! Get dressed! I want dets" he demands and leaves. I hope he doesn't want details about what exactly went on in here, because that's something only me and Demi share.

I pull my dirty jeans up my legs; only because I have no clean jeans left. I grab a clean plain shirt and pull it over my head. Luckily no hickeys peak over the collar and the red lipstick has faded on the skin visible.

I still look freshly fucked though.

I walk back into the living room; Michael and Calum stare and smirk at me like giddy children waiting for a bedtime story.

"Well, well, someone's on Santa's naughty list!" Calum smirks and I blush. I sit across from them both as if I'm in an interview or an interrogation in a cop movie.

"Well you gonna tell us or what?!" Michael leans forward with his head in his hands.

How am I friends with these dork who get giddy over their friends having sex?

"We had sex" I state and don't expand on the hours we've been spend on the kitchen counter, couch and my bed.

"We know that! It's a bit obvious! We want details!" Michael rolls his eyes and bites his lip.

"She came in and practically pushed me in my bedroom. Pulled her shirt off and basically said if I don't have sex with her, she'll find someone else. She threatened me with you!" I laugh even though I knew she wouldn't; actually she probably would, especially in that mood.

"That doesn't sound like her at all! When was this? She arranged to meet Ashton an hour ago" Calum asks and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I know! She looked so angry and sex crazed! There was no stopping her! Well that was hours ago, we had an argument and then basically had sex for another hour. She only left not long before you guys came" I look down as I blush. We'd talked about this kind of stuff before, but it's still very awkward for me, not for them though, obviously.

Hard to get? //Luke Hemmings #Watty2015Where stories live. Discover now