Chapter 10

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Luke arrives half an hour later with a box of pizza in one hand and a bottle of coke in the other. This boy definitely knows how to get into a girl’s heart. 

While I’m stuffing my face with pizza he tries to ask me about my plan/what I was doing. I tell him I’m not going to say anything and to drop the subject. I’d not fully made the whole plan perfect and I can’t go bringing his hopes up. 

Money was the hardest part of the plan. I don’t have any of it. I don’t even have a penny to my name. Dean normally gives me money. His parents are filthy rich and put thousands in his bank account every week. I don’t see most of it, but he does give me enough to live on. 

I know I can’t do anything without it so I have to find some quick. There was the option of stealing from Dean but even after all he’d done, I didn’t want that on my conscious. 

I need a job. 

I shovel down my third, or maybe my four piece of pizza down my throat and turn to face Luke. He head snaps from the movie to me before I even try to catch his attention. 

“What?” He slouches down in the couch so we are now about the same height. 

“I need a job.” I plainly say. 

“Well that was the last thing I expected to come out of your mouth.” He laughs causing me to smile. 

“Well I am literally living off Dean and I don’t like that.” I groan. Before the whole plan thing, I was actually quite happy I was getting something out of our ‘relationship’. 

“And.....” He trails off. In other words, he wants to know why I have told him. There always has to be a reason for everything with this boy. I wouldn’t dare ask him what the meaning of life is. 

“Do you know how I can get a job or anywhere where I can get one?” I ask. I do hope he’s not interested in the movie we’re supposed to be watching. 

“I could see. Are you interested in babysitting, waitressing or like shop working?” He answers with another question. 

“Any. I’ll literally do anything.” I beam. I don’t think anyone is this eager to find a job. I will shovel poop if I have to. 

“Prostitution it is then.” He seriously says and turns back to face the TV. 

“No. My body is a temple!” I playfully smack him on the chest, but leave my hand there a bit longer than I should have. 

“A temple? Can I be a Buddha and go inside?” He laughs. 

“Luke I’m being serious! Help me!” I nag. We can never stay on one topic. I like that we do that, it makes me love talking to him even more. 

“Well I could help you. If you want.....” He trails off as I place my legs across his lap. 

“Help me with what..........” I trail off. Luke is very unpredictable and I never know what will come out of his mouth next. 

“Not like that! I think babysitting is a good idea. My mum has loads of mums at her work who need their kids looking after. I’ve done it a few times before. It doesn’t pay too badly. If you want you can do that, and get a second job.” Not only is Luke a very good looking boy, but also an utter genius! 

“Yea, that’s great!” I bob up and down causing us both to laugh. 

“I’ll ask my mum tonight. I’ll text you the details and we can go from there.” He tells me. 

“Do you want to do it with me? I don’t think me being alone in a house with kids and access to fire is a good idea.” I literally set fire to a pair of knickers trying to dry them with my hairdryer. 

Hard to get? //Luke Hemmings #Watty2015Where stories live. Discover now