Chapter 9

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Dedication: @abb_arkell cos she sent me a really nice message on twitter and it made me smile!

I had to walk to school this morning due to Dean being too late to take me. I considered getting on the bus, but I'd still not got used to the Australian ways and I had no idea what bus to get on. 

I made it at school at about 10. I knew I'd have a detention of some sort, or have to make up a good enough excuse to get out of it. I dragged my feet across the floor till I got to the reception. 

"Are you late?" The woman glanced up at me, then back at her computer. Rude.


"Why?" Her voice stern. People have no social skills.

"I'm just late" I have no excuse. My boyfriend was going to be late by two minutes, so I was late for an hour. I'm new and am so dumb I didn't know what bus to get on. I don't think either of them she'd appreciate. 

"Okay, sign in. You will have a detention tomorrow after school for half an hour." She points to a clipboard and dismisses me. The punishment I could deal with. Half an hour wasn't too bad, I guess it couldn't hurt. 

I signed my name and time I go in on the sheet and made my way to my class. I'd got History. I was still a topic in front so I didn't have to sit in for the lesson. 

I wasn't sure where to go. Before the whole thing happened, Luke gave the offer that I could go to music as that's where he is when I have history, but was that offer still in place? That was a month ago and I wasn't sure if we were taking this friendship slow. 

For the last month, I'd been sat in the library listening to music and pretending to read. It was incredibly boring, especially when I forget my headphones, which happened be today. I decided to take the risk and go find Luke. 

I make my way to the music room. A slow hum runs through the halls. As I get closer the voice becomes clearer. Luke. 

His voice soft and calm as he belts out an Ed Sheeran song. A large smile appear on my face from the sweet song that's running through my ears. The clear tone of his voice relaxing each of my muscles. I press my back flat against the door. 

I didn't want to be the one who stops the beautiful melody. As the lost line is sung I feel my body come back to reality. 

"Luke." My voice comes out shaky and uncertain from the effect Luke's voice had on me, so pure and innocent. I slowly push the door open. 

He jolts up and places scattered pieces of paper in a pile and moves them off an empty chair. He moves his guitar off his lap and moves it to the side so I have access to sit down. 

"What are you doing here?" Luke's tone happy as he smiles through his words. I take a seat on the empty chair and place my bag besides me. 

"I'm still in front in History so I thought I'd come here. Why, do you want me to leave?" I smile; I know he doesn't want me to leave. Well his smile shows he doesn’t. 

"No, no. Stay." He frantically says as if I'm going to leave again. I'm hopefully not going anywhere. 

"I'd stay, even if you don't want me to" I laugh at his scared expression. His eyes were wide and a frown evident on his face. 

It soon turns into a smile and he let out a pure, loud laugh. "So, what do ya wanna do?" He asks. 

"Well you need to get some work done. So sing for me." I demand. I wanted to hear his voice again and again. We've got another half an hour to waste and I wanted to spend it listening to him. 

Hard to get? //Luke Hemmings #Watty2015Where stories live. Discover now