Chapter 6

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As every blow met my body, the physical pain increased, but it didn't hurt half as bad as the pain I felt from within. 

Before Luke came along, I was extremely careful and rarely slipped up, and I've known him a week and it's happened twice. He clouds my judgment, my thoughts, my logic and I can't have that continue, because of Dean. I didn't understand why he clouds everything, I still don't. Even now, I'm heaped on the floor having marks being imprinted on my skin, but I still seem to be thinking of Luke and not trying to get out of this situation.

"It's Lucy's brother's jacket," I sputtered out as I coughed up some blood, which will definitely leave a stain. 

"I bet she doesn't know you're fucking her brother!" He yelled, his fists clenched with a mixture of his and my blood staining his knuckles. My body heaped on the floor, helplessly. 

"No! I promise! The only person I'm having sex with is you! I was cold and she gave me his cos her clothes are too small!" I tried to shout, but it came out as more of a whimper as by shouting it cause pain to ripple through my bruised ribs. 

"So you're not fucking anyone?!" He voice calmed, but still was loud, as he raised an eyebrow. 

"No! I swear!" I tried to shout again, but it caused me to end up in a coughing fit. 

"I believe you. No one would fuck you anyway cos you're a worthless piece of shit!" He spat. He was right, I deserved this. I had cheated, and enjoyed it, loved it even. I was worthless, I am worthless, I have no one but him. 

"I'm going to Ashton's" He stormed over to the door, walked through it and slammed it behind him, leaving me in silence, to have to hear my thoughts. 

Half an hour ago I was in Luke's arms. Running my fingers through his hair while he trailed his up my thighs and spine. I had his lips attached to mine, with no space between us. My skin burned from his touch, but now my skin burned from Dean's. Except one made me feel alive, and the other made me know I was. 

Half an hour later and I'm heaped on the floor with my back slumped against the wall. Everywhere hurting, from my toes to my fingertips. 

I deserved every blow that came to my face and body. As much as I loved to be in Luke's arms, I knew I couldn't, ever again. I knew if I carried on talking, laughing and being with him I would fall back into his arms again. I had to stay away, and that was exactly what I was going to do, even if it meant staying away from Calum and Michael too. 

And that's exactly what I did. 

The next day, I walked into school, didn't meet them at the lockers and sat down in class. I ignored them and didn't look at them when they tried to catch my attention. I noticed that Luke kept quiet but didn't stop Calum or Michael from shouting across the room. 

I just turned and mouthed 'stop' to which they got the hint and returned to talking to just each other, about me being rude, I guess. 

I was wearing a long sleeved shirt to hide the intense dark bruises covering most of my arms. The only skin showing was my face, to which had multiple layers of foundation on. I even had to cover my fingers up with my sleeves as I'd fell on them and I swear at least one is broken. I had swallowed as many tablets as they would allow me without passing out, but with every breath I took in caused pain to ripple through my chest and spine. I kept my hair around as much of my neck as possible without looking strange.

As the bell rang, I grabbed my bag and quickly made my way out of the classroom, hoping they wouldn't stop me. Unfortunately I was wrong when a hand curled round my wrist, causing tears to prick my eyes from the pain it caused. He span me around to face his chest. 

Hard to get? //Luke Hemmings #Watty2015Where stories live. Discover now