Chapter 20

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Demi's POV

I woke up alone in the small tent. I assumed I would after I knew the boys would be together and Chloe and Ashton would want to be alone together. They haven't been together long but they are that couple who start full on and don't need 10 dates before asking each other out.

The whole trip is barbaric. I never thought I'd be here or even make it to here.

Dean didn't stop me. I'm not sure if I wanted him to; to protest and tell me he wanted me to stay. He didn't. He just smiled, placed a kiss on my forehead, handed me two grand and walked me to Chloe's car.

I guess it didn't matter though, I'd made up my mind and I wasn't going to change it. I actually think I made up my mind who even before Luke told me to choose. I honestly don't regret my decision one bit.

The one thing I have on my mind is what's going to happen once this trip ends. Am I still going to choose the flat here? Am I going to leave Dean and risk him hurting me, or even worse Luke? My mind is all over the place and I just want his strong arms around me telling me that whatever I choose will be the right choice.

The next few days are filled with laughter and not a single negative thought crosses my mind. Luke took us to a fake skiing place where it was filled with snow and to Luke's amusement, none of us could ski. The whole day was filled with sneaky kisses behind the other's backs and him picking me up when I fell, multiply times.

After that whole horrific experience, we all spent the rest of the day trying to build up the heat lost from our bodies in the fake snow by sitting really close to each other while we shovelled piece after piece of pizza.

Again I slept alone. I wasn't too bothered and I understood why Luke didn't join me as if he did the others would make accusations and I'm not sure any of us are at the stage of our relationship to sleep in the same bed/tent.

The next day we spent it shopping. It was Chloe's choice and the boys weren't really up to it so they just played hide and seek in every store. We may have been told to stop and quieten down quite a few times.

Luke bought me a silver necklace with the initial D on it. Michael loved making puns like 'she's got the D wrapped around her neck' and 'Luke gave Demi the D'. Even though my dirty mind did laugh along with Michael, it is beautiful with a little diamond in the bottom corner. His face was bright red when he told me to close my eyes while he tied it at the back my neck. It was one of those sappy Nicholas Sparks film moments but it was truly magical.

I haven't removed it since.

I couldn't help but wrap my hands round his neck and bring his lips to mine for the millionth time over this trip. I didn't care if the others saw, they didn't, but in that moment I didn't care.

Obviously, I didn't want Dean to find out before I could soften the blow. Luckily Luke understood when I asked him not to tell the others and I'm thankful for that. If he didn't understand my need to keep our relationship a secret till I can tell him myself, I don't know what I would have done.

We decided last night that we'd go to the beach so I pull my new bikini out of its bag. When I'd walked into that shop I thought I'd end up getting one that would make me look rather old, but the woman who worked there took one look at me and directed me to the one I'd bought. She scanned my body, past me my size and practically pushed me into the changing room.

It was perfect and I guess they are an iconic band who I was brought up listening to them while other girls screamed about Steps or Backstreet Boys. On one breast cup was the Rolling Stones iconic mouth logo and the print was on the bottoms all over the material. It didn't cover too much up as the panels only just cover my breasts and only tie in thin straps around my neck and the middle of my spine.

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