Chapter 28

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I make a mental list on what I need to do.

1) Talk to Demi

2) Talk to Ashton and try my best to clear all this mess up

3) Get Demi to stay even if she doesn't want to be with me

4) Find a way to make everyone happy

Each step seems to be harder than the next. Each step holds time and a lot more steps. Each step won't work until other steps are done.

I know everyone will be happy if she stays. I need to show her the way everything was before she left, but better because she wouldn't have left if it was worth staying for.

I run over my list and realise that I can't even start on completing them till tomorrow, besides one. It's been weighing on the back of my mind to speak to Ashton. I know we need to talk because we not only have the band, our career on the line, but also our friendship. I don't want to mess that up. I'm annoyed at him but he was there when I needed him, he was my shoulder to cry on and even though he could have stopped it, he was still there.

I can't stay seated on this couch till tomorrow without wanting to pull my hair out, so I'm going to speak to him. I did want to put it off so hopefully the tension will ease, but Demi has to know we're all happy, and we have to be.

As much as I want her to come back, I don't want her to come back because of pity; that the only way we will be happy is if she comes back. I want him to come back because it's where she belongs and where she wants to be.

It's annoying that if she does decide to come back, we'd be taking off to somewhere else not long after.

She also needs to know that not only do I want her to come back, but so many others too.

I stand and walk over to Michael's room to tell him I'm leaving. I knock but receive no answer. I open the door to reveal a sleeping Michael lying on his stomach with the blanket laid half way over his bare back.

He looks like he's peaceful so I decide to not wake him. I don't think he's had a lot of sleep so it would be cruel to wake him. I leave his room and replace the converse on my feet.

I give Michael a text to say I've gone to speak to Ashton and leave. Some girls are still waiting outside; I take some picture and pull faces so I'm not pulling a fake smile. I tell them to go home because it's late, they nod and I get in a taxi.

I wave at them from the taxi and smile when they seem so happy just by my presence. I'm not anything special. My voice isn't the best. I'm okay looking, and my personality is average. I don't have a strange talent like blowing balloons up with my nostrils. I'm Luke. I don't deserve that type of attention.

The car pulls up outside Ashton's house and I'm thankful when I don't see his mum's car in the drive. I don't know whether she knows about this but I would rather not 'talk' about it all in front of her or in her ear shot.

I knock on the door and the door opens to a wide eyed Ashton. Him only wearing basketball shorts, his hair messy and slight bags under his eyes. I guess it looks like we all look a mess.

I don't speak; he nods and opens the door further for me to walk through. I decide not to sit as it's more awkward so I walk over to his kitchen and lean against his counter with my arms crossed. He sits on the stool and fiddles with his fingers.

I'd had words planned but its way too awkward for me to speak. I feel like the words don't seem to fit at all now. They seem harsh and it looks like one more word will knock him down to the ground.

"I'm sorry Luke." He whines and I pray that he doesn't cry; I can't handle that, it will stop me from saying what I'm going to.

"I know" I know my comment isn't making this awkwardness any better but I don't know whether to say sorry back or shout at him. I am sorry that I shouted at him but I don't think I'm sorry for the words I said.

Hard to get? //Luke Hemmings #Watty2015Where stories live. Discover now