Chapter 5

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I smiled back at him and turned back to wash the dishes, even though it was half nine. I scrubbed so hard with the sponge that it burned my fingertips.

A empty beer bottle was placed on the counter beside me causing me to jump. I looked up to see Ashton, not Dean. My heat rate quickly decreased. 

"Sorry, did I make you jump?" He giggled. It reminded me a bit of a girl but it was contagious and relaxed me. 

"Yea, I jump easily." I giggled back at him, I never giggle. 

"Why are you washing up at this time?" He asked with a smile. His dimples were as wide and deep as I remember them from our small encounter at the party. 

He is definitely good looking, but not as good looking as Luke. My subconscious adds. 

"We don't have much cookery so doing it now saves me from doing it tomorrow," I lied. I don't know what Dean would do if he knew I'd not done it already. 

"Oh right, were you with Luke?" I quickly snapped my head round to Dean. I let out a sign of relief that he didn't hear Ashton. 

"How did you know?" I knitted my eyebrows. Luke told me he'd only knew Ashton for a few months so I didn't understand why he would know I was at Luke's. 

"Well at band practice, he, they talk about you a lot," he responded as if it was nothing. 

"Really?" I asked, I don't understand why I'm so bothered that Luke, they were talking about me. 

"Yea, so I guess you were at Luke's then?" 

"Yea, but I know it sound silly but can you not tell Dean?" I asked while chewing on my bottom lip. I can't even imagine what Dean would do if he found out I was at Luke's with no girls and had lied to him. 

"What? Why?" 

"I know it sounds stupid but Dean won't want me to spend time with Luke cos he'll think he want to get with me." I brought my hair to the side then quickly remembered and pulled it back over to cover the bruises. 

"I understand, but he'll fine out sooner or later," he ran his fingers through his hair and I just wanted to make him smile so I could see his dimples again. 

"I know," I started picking at my nail varnish and the skin around my nails. 

"Hey," he lifted my chin up with his really long fingers, "I won't tell him. Cheer up!" 

I tried my best to smile. His smile grew when he saw my attempt. "Thank you." 

"It's okay, now how's my boy?" He jumped and sat on the counter while I continued to wash the plates. 

"Well I went to Luke's to help him and Michael study for English." I smiled at tonight's events. 

"Michael definitely needs to improve on his English. You should see some of the texts he sent me!" He chuckled and I laughed as that sounds like Michael. 

"Luke told me you guys are in a band." I turned my attention back to Dean, who didn't seem to have noticed Ashton's departure. 

"Yea, I've only been in the band for a few months." 

"Aren't you the same age as Dean?" I asked. I assume cos they had got the same scholarship that they'd be the same age, 18.

"Yea, I met Mike at this party and we hit it off because we have the same music taste," he smiled at the memory. 

"So you guys go out?! Cos if you do, them he's cheated on you with multiple girls, mate" I jokingly rubbed his arm. 

"No. I didn't mean it like that!" He laughed. "At the party, he found out I played the drums. So when they played a gig at this pub and needed a drummer, he called me up. Then the next thing I know, I'm in the band." He laughed, it really was contagious. He always seemed to be laughing and smiling. I wish I was like that. 

Hard to get? //Luke Hemmings #Watty2015Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora