Chapter 1

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I didn't follow my boyfriend out here because I wanted to, but because I was forced to. No, he didn't push me on the plane and drag me to Australia but he made me believe that this was the only way. 

Demi and Dean, the love story people write about. Childhood sweethearts. Best friends that led to lovers. But when I fell in love with him I didn't know he was the monster he'd become.

To everyone else he was the typical lad, into football, drinking, he had good manners and had straight A's but behind closed doors he was the polar opposite. 

He is 18 and I'm 16. He got a 'soccer' (as they call it here) scholarship here. I tried to make every excuse under the sun to not come but he was having none of it. I was here to stay.

Normal teenagers can't wait to leave school, get into college and have fun but I never want to leave. 

I smooth out my purple Ramones tee shirt and black skinny jeans and walk inside. There are many girls and boys rushing around me, some give me glances, some glare and some give 'she's hot' looks. 

I pull my long brown hair to the side and walk through the big blue doors. I quickly slam my back against the lockers as two boys push past me. One of them stops and gives me a wink, "Nice shirt!" then carries on chasing a boy who looks like he belongs more in the schools at 'home' rather than here. The guy who winked was kind of hot but I normally go for guys who don’t chase boys through schools.

I carry on walking to what seems like the office. The schools looks just like the ones in America films but obviously Australian and are any of the girls not blonde?

I find the office quite easily. A short woman with curly short hair is sat behind the desk with glasses on the bridge of her nose. "Hi, I'm new" not knowing what to say. 

"Name?" Well she doesn't seem too jolly. 

"Demi Sky" 

"Okay, take a seat" She points to three chairs. One is already taken by a tall blonde haired boy with black, ripped, skinny jeans and a Blink-182 shirt on who has a face pack pressed against his cheek. 

"Nice shirt" He gives me a smile that’s quickly dropped after he winces after it hurt his cheek. 

"Thanks, I didn't think many people knew who they were" I'd only been in this school for 5 minutes and I've already been complimented twice. 

It went back to a comfortable silence for a while. I can't help but notice how hot he is, but from the looks of it, he didn't seem like a great guy, especially after looking like he's been in a fight before school has even started. Plus even though I’m with him I still won't cheat.

"What happened to your face?" I ask. I turn my head to meet his eyes which are already turned my way. 

"My friend, Calum stole Michael's, my other friend's beanie and pushed me into a locker handle to chase after him" He laugh.

I laugh too. I assume his friends are the ones I saw earlier. 

"By any chance does one of them have a really long fringe?" I ask smiling

"Yea, you met them already?" he raises his eyebrows. 

"He commented on my shirt while he was chasing your friend" I laugh.

"God, you get around quick!" He chuckles. 

"Sure, do!" I smile. I bring my hair to the side again as I’m struggling to see Blondie through my hair. 

Before we can say anything more, the lady behind the desk calls me up. "Here's your schedule" she hands me a piece of paper with a time table on. 

"Thanks" I give her a smile which she didn't return. 

"Luke!" She shouts over my shoulder. 

"Yes?" To the boy I've been just talking to answer. 

"You okay now?" She asks but shows no concern. 

"I'll be okay" he stands up and hands the lady his ice pack revealing a bruise that is beginning to form. 

"Will you take Demi to her class?" She tells, more then asks. 

"Sure" He takes the piece of paper out of my hand and walks through the door, which I follow. 

I follow him round the corner while he reads through my timetable. "You're in most of my lessons," he states, glancing at me then returning to looking at the paper while turning a corner.

"Cool." I say with disinterest. He seems like a nice guy but I’m not here to make friends. 

"So you're from England?" he looks over his shoulder to look at me. I’m basically speed walking because his strides are large because he is tall. About 3 inches taller than me but I’m still struggling to catch up.

"Yep" popping the p. I guess I’m being a bit rude because he obviously wants to start a conversation and I’m just giving him one word answers.

"What's your favourite band?" he asks. He slows down so we are walking side by side through the empty corridors. 

"Well, I'd have to say My Chemical Romance, but I'm not emo," I add quickly because when people hear I like groups like that they assume I dress only in black and self harm (which I do but I'm not telling him that). 

"What's your favourite song of theirs? Mine is teenagers. Ironic, I know," he adds, smirking. 

"That one of my favourites but I like Famous Last Words, but I find it hard picking a favourite song because I've never listened to a full album, so it's hard to choose a favourite song of an artist, if I’ve never heard all of theirs," I ramble on, I’ve never told anyone things like that but I never had anyone to talk to about stuff like that. Somehow, talking to Luke is easy. 

"You never listen to a full album?" he gasps. I knew it was shocking because as much as I like that band and love every song I've heard of theirs I have never listened to a full album of theirs, just a few songs off each. 

"No, maybe when I was younger when my mum played an album in the car but I've never done myself" I chew my bottom lip causing it to darken and become a little swollen. I feel like we've been walking for a while and I swear I've been down this corridor before. 

"Why?" he asks, he turns to face me almost like he’s fascinated. 

"I just feel like if I sat for hours listening to every album, learning everyone's story, I wouldn't have time to listen to anyone else's. If you get what I mean," I'm not very good at explaining things. 

"Not really," he laughs causing me to smile. 

"Well, in every song is a story, like a short story that has no ending and leaves the mystery open, where as if you listen to an album you then know the ending because it's like a time-line. So, I like to listen to some odd songs by different bands so I can leave that mystery open, so I can create that ending." I smile at how deep I’m being. 

"Don't you ever want to hear the rest of the story?" he stops me and looks into my eyes like he’s trying to read me.

"Sometimes," it was true, sometimes I'd listen to another song but I like not knowing because it's like reading half a book and re-writing the rest. 

"Maybe, one day I can get you to listen to a full album and know how the story ends" he smirks. 

"One day," I notice we'd been stood a while in the same spot. 

"One day," he repeats. I pull out of his grasp as his hand is still holding my arm. I took a few steps to only be pulled back. 

"This is the classroom" he smils, pulling me inside. 

so here's the beginning. I wanted to do this one different to my other fanfic Music or you. I also wanted to say that Demi's character has alot of situations that have happened to me so don't hate on them please.

Btw this is set not long after Ashton joined the band in case you were wondering. 

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