Chapter 49

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Demi's POV

So the week begin with awkwardness.

Every day we'd wake up, eat in silence and trying to escape alone time with Liz.

Don't get me wrong, I love Liz! She's one of the nicest people I have ever met! She welcomed us and never thought twice about letting us stay, but I just wish we could get past this 'you hurt my son but I understand why you did it but I'm trying to not hate you for it' phase.

A week.

One hundred and sixty eight hours.

Ten thousands and eighty minutes.

Six hundred and four thousand and eight hundred seconds.

And we still haven't spoken alone to each other and cleared the air.

I know it sounds stupid, because trust me, I think it is! I want to explain to her in person EVERYTHING and see if it change her mind on 'EVERYTHING'.

I guess having a boyfriend who is pretty famous comes with some side effects, like some dodgy medication. It comes with lies, twisted truth and a whole factory full of bullshit!

So when your son is across the world with a girl who's hurt him, you're going to read the bullshit, and that's probably how we got into this hole of stinky shit!

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating...

But I've seen the stuff they've said and I wouldn't blame Liz for having negative feelings towards me because of them.

"Well why doesn't Luke's dad or brothers and his friends dislike me for it?" You may ask.

And I guess it's because....I was the closest to Liz, and Luke was the closest to his mother than anyone else in his household.

I was closer, therefore her trust in me was so much buffer than anyone else's. Yeah, I'd spoke to some of Luke's family, but not the way I spoke to Liz.

We'd go out for dinners, I speak and laugh with her in their house, they even invited me to come skiing with them.

And Luke was so close to his mum. He is her youngest son who hasn't left home, and I was his first proper girlfriend (well she thought we were official) and I hurt him, bad.

I can understand it.

That's the hard thing. I've tried to make up reasons for why she's not welcoming me the way everyone else is, but the fact is, she has every right to.

I don't blame her, because if Luke was Lucy, I'd be ripping out my hair and sewing it to my backside with a spoon!

But I guess Luke isn't Lucy and I have to try my hardest to cut this tension with a knife, even a sword if I have to!

"Liz" I say her name quietly as I walk into the kitchen. She moves around the sausages in her pan.

She doesn't even look up and hums in response.

"Please can I speak to you for a moment?" I say feeling my palms become sweaty.

"Can it wait?" She asks, looking at me in the corner of her eye.

"Not really" I nervously wipe my palms on my jeans. This could wait but both of us know if I don't speak about this now, I never will!

"Okay" she stands back from the stove and turns to face me. I go to sit on the counter but remember this isn't my home.

"I just want to speak to you about everything really" I don't know how to put it despite having my side of this conversation planned.

"You mean about hurting my son" she bluntly says with a blank expression.

Hard to get? //Luke Hemmings #Watty2015Where stories live. Discover now