Chapter 7

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Their lips in sync as he rides his fingers up her thighs. I feel a shiver go down my spine. This is not how I should feel. He'd done this for the past two weeks, kissing girls, different girls each day. Why does this one set above the rest?

The first two weeks, since my complete breakdown in the bathroom, he'd constantly try to talk to me or even catch my attention. I'd refused to talk and I was right, I haven't slipped up since. My skin was as clear as it has ever been and my two broken ribs were almost fully healed. Being away from him was good, but it didn't feel good. 

Those first two weeks were the hardest days of my life. I had not only had Luke pestering me, but Michael and Calum too. I'd tried my hardest not even speak a word to them, to make it easier for the pain, being it was so hard. They constantly tried to catch my attention by shouting my name and Luke even tried to pull me back in that music room once again. I refused each time. I was sticking to my guns.

At home, Dean had finally forgiven me and our 'relationship' was back to the way it was before Luke. I liked it this way, where I didn't have to worry about slipping up saying their names or events that had happened that day involving them. 

After those two weeks, they finally got the hint and gave up. I guess they were giving me the space I'd asked for, even though that's not what I wanted, I needed. I guess we'd only known each other properly for a week, so it shouldn't have been hard for them to forget about me. It was hard for me but that didn't matter, I just wanted them to be happy and I knew they didn't want me to leave them, but it was for the best for all of us. I'm toxic. 

After the first two weeks, Luke started 'dating girls', by dating I mean making out with them one day, then going to a different girl the next. Girls flung themselves at his new confidence. It hurt, I was jealous because I couldn't help but want to be in their place.

To have my skin burn and my whole body ignite from his touch. To have his long fingers cupping my cheeks and running down my sides. His toned chest pressed against mine as his lips explore mine.

It hurt the first times the hardest, I got kind of used to them, but to see each one still hurt. This girl hurt the most. She was the replica of me, well the girl I used to be a month ago. 

She had her long brown hair waving down her back. Wearing a band shirt, one I actually owned, with black skinny jeans and black combat boots. Her bag was even very similar to mine, with tons of badges on with a stupid quote written in white in the middle of the black canvas shoulder bag. 

From the side, people would probably think it was me with my lips attached to his. His appearance had been smartened up as he now always wore a buttoned up shirt, black skinny jeans and vans. I couldn't deny how incredibly sexy he looked, even model like. I can understand why every girl was talking about his new confidence and appearance. 

"Demi?" Chloe voice snapped me from my thoughts and my eyes tear away from 'me' and Luke eating each other's faces. Yes, I'm being bitter. I bet in two minutes I'll be calling her a hoe. 

"Yea" I turned back to look into her icy blue eyes. 

"He's only doing it because of you," she gave me the sad, pity smile and comment I'd heard every day when I'd been in the same place, watching Luke make out with a girl. 

I just nodded, what do you say? I know? No, he isn't? I don't know whether he is, he's doing exactly what I'd predicted and confirmed what I'd knew would happen if I left Dean for him. Alone. I knew he'd forget about me. I was just a crush, nothing more, nothing less. 

"You have been watching him every time he'd made out with a girl for the past couple of weeks. That's what he wants. For the first two weeks, you didn't even look his way and now you are. You are giving him attention, that's exactly why he is doing this. He's trying to make you jealous, and it's working." Why does she have to be right? 

Hard to get? //Luke Hemmings #Watty2015Where stories live. Discover now