Chapter 25

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Made outfits for each chapter is you haven't noticed. They will be on the side each time so you can see what Demi's and one had Chloe's outfits.

Three years and nine months later, I'm sat in my car on the way to see those four boys again. The difference is I'm going to see them from the back of a stadium as they sing the songs they've written.

Each year I watched over a computer screen to see them evolve into the megastars they are today. I'd read articles about them to see how they were doing, but never watched any videos to save myself anymore torture. Each year the fans increased by thousands and to this day, it seems like the whole world are in love with them. Each year I stayed away from Sydney and built my own life in Melbourne.

A year after I left, I heard news from an inside source that Dean left back to England. He'd looked for me for a while after I left but gave up pretty quickly. He's scholarship transferred him back over to England as apparently a big team wanted him over there, which probably benefitted Sydney massively.

My feeling towards Dean had increased to intense hatred. After I left, my brain calculated all of the holding back and torment he put me through. I couldn't even count how many times his hand has collided with my body or face, and frankly, I didn't deserve one. I'd felt so bad for cheating on him, never regretted it though as it was the best decision I made, but he'd cheated on me at least nine times in the past but I was too oblivious to see the facts.

Dean had full on destroyed my life, but I can't ever wish I never met him, or that he'd never exists. He brought me to Australia and to that, I would never be able to repay him; not that I'm going to.

I made sure my inside source didn't tell me everything in detail because I knew it would make everything harder so he gave me a small update every month. He'd said that the boys took it hard but they were too busy travelling the world for him to know anymore. Apparently they'd searched for a long time, but from what I heard, Ashton kept his promise. They'd searched England a lot but obviously, they never found me.

A lot can happen in over three and a half years and I guess we'd all moved on. It felt like I was erased out of everyone's mind and even though it hurts like hell, being forgotten, it was for the best. I would have hated for them too have took it badly.

I was half way from Melbourne to Sydney and I'd made the decision a long time ago to go back. I'd not been back since and there is a low chance I'm going to bump into them, or anyone associated with them. They'd never know I was back and I'm betting in a couple of days, they'll be jetting off again.

I paid for the gas and sat back in the car. My fingers pulled open the glove department and pulled out the album I'd bought ages ago, but never even got past the wrapper. My fingers had grazed over the plastic wrapper but never had enough courage to break it.

I'd told Luke years ago on the way to my first class the first day I met him that I'd never listened to a full album, and to this day I never have, hopefully until now.

My fingers break the seal and I pull the wrapper off the album. The four of them stand on the front like models with a red cross over the picture. Even when a single came out, I'd refuse to listen to it and now I'm listening to them all. Even as they became bigger, I'd refuse to put the radio on in case their voices would blurt through the speakers.

I push the CD into the player and turn the engine on. I need to make sure I'm driving before I press start otherwise I'll probably not even make it out of the petrol station.

The car leads onto the motorway and my fingers press the round button. This is it. I'm finally going to do it. I take in a deep breath before sitting back and watching the road.

Hard to get? //Luke Hemmings #Watty2015Where stories live. Discover now