Chapter 46

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Demi's outfit on the side xx (love the dress
so much! If only I dropped from a size 18 to a 8)

Demi falls back on the bed as soon as we get back; I remind her we have to leave in two hours, which she just shoves her middle finger in the air and rolls over.

I roll my eyes and walk to the closet to get my change of clothes before jumping in the shower. I slip my head back in the bedroom and she's still laid there, so I decide not to persuade her into coming in the shower with me; her loss.

I rub my palms over my face as I tilt my head back into the water. I feel so...numb. I know that sounds stupid as I'm constantly feeling happy emotions towards this holiday and constantly feeling the emotion of love increase towards Demi and Lucy, but I'm numb to everything that would normally affect me.

Even with the embarrassment of earlier and having been teased all the way from the park back to the hotel, it didn't dampen my mood, but increased it; I couldn't wipe a goofy smile off my face.

Everything seems to be going right beside the events of today and I feel like I've just got off the roller coaster at its peak and I'm never going back down again.

Water drips on the towel I'd placed on the floor as I climb out. I run a hand through my wet hair and shake it slightly, making more drops hit the floor tiles. I look at myself in the mirror opposite the shower after I wipe the condensation off. The bags that had been there for a while had gone due to Dean finally leaving Demi's dreams. I can see a change in me and I don't just like it, I love it!

I haven't changed into a different person, just improved for the better.

When I've dried myself down, I grab the towel and tie it round my waist and walk back into the bedroom where Demi is now sat crossed legged on the bed. I walk over to the hair dryer and plug it in, and then grab all the products I need to fight gravity with my hair.

I go to switch it on, but Demi's voice sounds from behind me.

"I need to talk"

Fuck! What have I done now?! 'I need to talk' is never a good thing!

Thousands of possible scenarios flood through my mind as I gulp and slowly turn to face her.

"Can we talk in a bit because I need to do my hair before it goes dry otherwise the moose won't work" I say trying to prolong this 'talk'. It would also give me time to prepare myself, pack my bags and move to Mexico.

"It will only take a minute" she gives me a timid smile that maze well be a punch in the gut.

I nod hesitantly and slowly walk over to the bed.

"So what do you want to talk about....?" I trail off. My heart is pounding out of my chest.

"I want to talk about sex" She looks up at me with her cheeks bright red.

"What?!" I nearly fall back from the much unexpected topic of conversation that we're going to have.

"Every couple has to have a conversation about sex Luke" She sighs and places her hand on her cheek.

I don't think every couple do! I think if I asked Ashton and Chloe if they've had a conversation about sex, they'd say no!

"Okay.....what about it?"

"Well have you been tested recently?" she blurts and I cough, choking on my own saliva at the extremely personal question.

"I did about a month before you came back and you're the only person I've slept with since then, so as long as you haven't got anything I haven't" I say slowly in a very confused tense tone.

Hard to get? //Luke Hemmings #Watty2015Where stories live. Discover now